Contact Us
DSA does not grant or renew California architect licenses. For information on California architect licensure requirements, contact the California Architects Board at or (916) 574-7220.
DSA is comprised of a headquarters office in Sacramento and four regional offices located in Sacramento, San Diego, Los Angeles and Oakland. Our four regional offices carry out project plan review, construction oversight, and project close-out activities. The Headquarters office develops and oversees DSA programs, policies and procedures, and performs general administrative functions.
Counties served by each DSA Regional Office are shown in the map below:
DSA Regional Offices and Counties They Serve
Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Kings, Lassen, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Modoc, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolumne, Yolo, and Yuba.
Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura.
Public Records & Legal Documents
Requests for records may be oral or in writing; however, DGS encourages written requests to be submitted via the GovQA system in order to assist the department in providing accurate, complete and timely responses. For additional information please read Public Record Inspection Guidelines (PDF).
DSA is now accepting requests for authorized users via the School District Documentation Authorization form webpage, and once reviewed and approved by DSA staff, the user will be able to request a plan through the Project Document Request for School Districts form webpage.
For questions regarding this new process please contact your local DSA regional office.
Public Records Act Exemption Notice to Public Schools, Community Colleges, California State Universities, and University of California Campuses, and Requestors of Plan Sets
The Department of General Services, Division of the State Architect (DSA) has determined that DSA approved project plans/drawings (plan sets) retained by DSA are exempt from disclosure for requests made under the Public Records Act (PRA). These records are exempted by Government Code Section 7922.000, as DSA has deemed that the public interest in having access to these records is substantially outweighed by the public interest in withholding them for the purpose of protecting the safety of students and faculty occupying public educational facilities. DSA will, however, upon request, return these records to the facilities’ entity for which the plan sets are associated with and owned by upon their request for distribution to the public. All other project related documentation will still be available to the public from DSA through the existing PRA request process.
As a result of this exemption, effective May 13, 2024, DSA now requires PRA requestors seeking retained plan sets to contact the facilities entity for which the plan sets are associated with and owned by. Each facilities’ entity shall provide DSA the name of the facilities’ manager, or facilities’ designated staff authorized to approve PRA requests. DSA will maintain a list of entity designated staff authorized to approve the request. The facilities’ manager, or facilities’ designated staff authorized to approve the request shall then send an email from their facilities’ associated email account to DSA providing the application number (“A” number) for the requested project. If requested, DSA will provide all other project related documentation along with the plans at the same time.
For future requests, and to reduce processing time, schools districts, community college districts, California State Universities, and University of California campuses are advised to develop their own archive of plan sets requested after May 13, 2024.
Legal documents and subpoenas must be personally served on the Department of General Services (DGS). DGS is the legal agent for service.
Office of Legal Services
Department of General Services
707 3rd Street, 7th Floor
West Sacramento, CA. 95691
(916) 376-5080
News media inquiries should be directed to the Department of General Services, Office of Public Affairs, by email or by telephone (916) 376-5037.
Contact DSA Headquarters
Division of the State Architect
Ida A. Clair, FAIA, State Architect
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 445-8100
Headquarters Office Phone Roster (XLS)
Contact DSA Sacramento
Harlan Reymont, Regional Manager
Sacramento, CA 95811
Sacramento Regional Office Phone Roster (XLS)
General Information
(916) 445-8730
Regional Manager
(916) 323-3775
Supervising Engineer–North Team
(916) 324-4255
Supervising Engineer–South Team
(916) 327-8440
Supervising Engineer–Field Team
(916) 327-8840
Supervising Architect–Project Services
(279) 799-4557
Access Compliance
(916) 322-8976
Fire & Life Safety
(916) 324-9495
Contact DSA Oakland
Chris Morton, Regional Manager
Oakland, CA 94612
Oakland Regional Office Phone Roster (XLS)
General Information
(510) 622-3101
Regional Manager
(510) 622-3617
Supervising Engineer–North Team
(510) 286-5845
Supervising Engineer–South Team
(510) 622-3617
Supervising Architect–Project Services
(510) 622-3126
Access Compliance
(510) 622-0729
Fire & Life Safety
(510) 622-1830
Contact DSA Los Angeles
Douglas Humphrey, Regional Manager
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Los Angeles Regional Office Phone Roster (XLS)
Wells Fargo Center Visitor Guide (PDF)
General Information
(213) 897-3995
Regional Manager
(213) 897-4092
Supervising Engineer–North Team
(213) 897-1110
Supervising Engineer–South Team
(213) 897-0199
Supervising Architect–Project Services
(213) 897-3303
Access Compliance
(213) 897-0211
Fire & Life Safety
(213) 897-2913
Contact DSA San Diego
Ron LaPlante, Regional Manager
San Diego, CA 92127
San Diego Regional Office Phone Roster (XLS)
General Information
(858) 674-5400
Regional Manager
(858) 674-5461
Supervising Engineer–North Team
(858) 674-7624
Supervising Engineer–South Team
(858) 674-5419
Supervising Engineer–Field Team
(858) 674-5427
Supervising Architect–Project Services
(858) 674-5402
Access Compliance
(858) 674-5415
Fire & Life Safety
(858) 674-5448
Request Unavailable Documents
To request a document that is not available from the department’s website, please send a request by email using the button below.