The following Bulletins, Guidelines, Interpretations of Regulations, Policies and Procedures are developed, approved and published by DSA Headquarters for the benefit of our stakeholders to provide guidelines on acceptable means of achieving compliance with Building Regulations and Standards, and for the purpose of promoting consistent enforcement of code requirements among the DSA Regional Offices. Any document that is posted on the DSA website at the time of project submittal is considered to be in effect for the project.
To view and print a PDF document, you must have PDF reader software (Adobe Reader) installed.
To view a partial list of archived publications, visit the Archived Publications folder in DSAbox. Archived publications are provided to serve as a historical record. To request an unavailable document or one in an alternative format, please see the request sections on the left column of this webpage.
- Bulletins (BUs)
- Guidelines (GLs)
- Interpretations of Regulations (IRs)
- Policies (PLs)
- Procedures (PRs)
A DSA Bulletin (BU) is a notification to its stakeholders regarding any issue intended to be directed to a broad group of external stakeholders as well as DSA staff. Bulletins are generally used to provide notification of a specific concern arising from an event or previously unknown condition and pertaining to building code requirements. Bulletins have been issued to announce the acceptance of projects under codes when updated codes are issued, or to inform stakeholders of safety issues with certain building products or techniques.
- BU 07-03: Defective Product Alert: Structural Tube Steel (PDF)
Revised 09/22/10 - BU 08-07: Use of Engineered Wood Fiber (EWF) at Play Areas (PDF)
Issued 08/27/08 - BU 09-06: Minimum Reinforcement of Concrete Piers and Caissons Embedded with Steel Poles (PDF)
Revised 05/26/10 - BU 09-07: Collaborative Process for Community College Projects (PDF)
Revised 11/04/09 - BU 11-05: Impact of AB 211: Concerning Door Hardware; Effective July 1, 2011 (PDF)
Revised 03/12/13 - BU 11-06: Current Fire and Life Safety Information Regarding Relocatable School Buildings (PDF)
Revised 10/10/23 - BU 11-08: Occupant Load Determination and Posting in Assembly Occupancies in California Public Schools and Community Colleges (PDF)
Revised 10/09/23 - BU 14-03: Fire and Life Safety Compliance Program and Fee Schedule (PDF)
Issued 11/20/14 - BU 15-01: Requirements for Use of ASC Steel Deck 3WH and 3WHF Metal Deck with Concrete Fill (PDF)
Rescinded 06/18/24 - BU 15-02: Water Flow Tests for Fire Protection Systems During Drought Conditions (PDF)
Revised 10/09/23 - BU 15-03: Special Inspection Requirements for Pools Constructed Using the Shotcrete Process (PDF)
Issued 10/22/15 - BU 16-01: Delegation of Authority for Modular and Relocatable Buildings: Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
Revised 08/21/17 - BU 16-02: Review and Approval of Construction of School-Based Health Centers on Public School Campuses (PDF)
Revised 10/09/23 - BU 17-01: Identification of Single-User Toilet Facilities as All-Gender (PDF)
Issued 01/19/17 - BU 17-01-01: Identification of Single-User Toilet Facilities as All-Gender: Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
Issued 03/30/17 - BU 17-02: Power-driven Fasteners Attaching Wood Structural Panel Sheathing Diaphragms to Cold-formed Steel Framing (PDF)
Issued 04/11/17 - BU 17-03: Special Inspection Requirements for Structural Glued Laminated Timber (PDF)
Issued 06/21/17 - BU 17-04: Division of the State Architect's Continued Acceptance of Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development Pre-Approval of Anchorages (PDF)
Issued 07/11/17 - BU 17-05: Seismic Ss Map to Assist 2016 CBC Pre-Check (PC) Plan Holders (PDF)
Issued 07/19/17 - BU 18-01: Applicability of Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Non-PC Projects (PDF)
Revised 03/06/20 - BU 19-01: Dedicated Means of Egress Within Additions to Existing Buildings (PDF)
Rescinded 06/22/23 - BU 19-02: 2016 Pre-Check Extension and Renewals to the 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 10/30/20 - BU 19-03: Submittals Utilizing the 2019 California Building Standards Code (Title 24, Parts 1—12) Prior to the Effective Date (PDF)
Issued 08/21/19 - BU 19-04: DSA Acceptance of ICC-ES California Building Code Supplement to ICC-ES Evaluation Reports (PDF)
Issued 09/10/19 - BU 19-05: AB 3205 Door Hardware Requirements; Effective January 1, 2019 (PDF)
Issued 10/23/19 - BU 20-01: DSA Assistance During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Emergency School Facilities (PDF)
Rescinded 11/08/22 - BU 20-02: Maximum Spacing of Cold-Formed Steel Joists for Diaphragms with Wood Structural Panels (PDF)
Issued 09/16/20 - BU 20-03: Ground Mount Solar Photovoltaic Panel Systems (PDF)
Issued 11/10/20 - BU 21-01: Plan Submittal Requirements for Schools Participating in the California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing and Efficiency (CalSHAPE) Program (PDF)
Issued 06/21/21 - BU 22-01: 2019 Pre-Check Extension and Renewals to the 2022 CBC (PDF)
Issued 08/22/22 - BU 22-02: Submittals Utilizing the 2022 California Building Standards Code (Title 24, Part 1 Through 12) Prior to the Effective Date (PDF)
Issued 08/22/22 - BU 24-01: Application of Fire Life Safety Provisions of The California Existing Building Code: Effective July 1, 2024 (PDF)
Issued 12/10/24 - BU 24-02: ACI Modifications to Reinforcing Steel Specifications (PDF)
Issued 11/18/24 - BU 24-03: EDC 17672 Green Schoolyard, Path of Travel Requirements (PDF)
Issued 01/06/25 - BU 24-04: EDC 17586 (AB 2565, 2024) Interior Door Locking Requirements for K-12 Schools (PDF)
Issued 12/10/24 - BU 24-05: Fire Safety During Construction and Demolition (PDF)
Revised 02/25/25
A DSA Guideline (GL) is a compilation of recommendations based on Code, referenced standards and DSA practices. These guidelines are designed to give the design professional helpful information and insight into the DSA project application submittal and review processes. Guidelines are provided by DSA in support of the USP goals of giving stakeholders the information they need in order to be able to work smoothly and efficiently with DSA, and to help standardize practices among the four DSA Regional Offices.
- GL 1: Project Submittal Guideline: Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems (PDF)
Revised 04/25/22 - GL 2: Fire Alarm and Detection Systems (PDF)
Revised 08/10/18 - GL 3: Structural Plan Review (PDF)
Revised 05/06/24 - GL 4: CALGreen Code (PDF)
Rescinded 11/30/23
Refer to DSA Form 403-C
- About Interpretations of Regulations
- A – Administrative
- EB – Existing Buildings
- 9 – Fire Protect & Life Safety Systems
- 10 – Means of Egress
- 11B – Access
- 15 – Roofing & Roof Structures
- 16 – Structural Design
- 17 – Structural Tests & Special Inspections
- 18 – Soils & Foundations
- 19 – Concrete
- 21 – Masonry
- 22 – Steel
- 23 – Wood
- 24 – Glass & Glazing
- 25 – Gypsum Board & Plaster
- 30 – Elevators & Conveying Systems
- 31 – Special Construction
- E – Electrical
- CG – CalGreen
- M – Mechanical
- P – Plumbing
- PC – Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria
- N – Energy
- F – Fire Protection Systems
About IRs
Interpretation of Regulations (IR) documents are created and updated by the Division of the State Architect (DSA) for use by all DSA Team Members and are intended to promote uniform statewide criteria relating to the design, construction and inspection of public school, community college and essential services building projects. The text and drawings IRs may contain are not appropriate for verbatim inclusion into project construction documents. The design professional in responsible charge is responsible for specifying and detailing requirements for each project.
Subject to Interpretation
IRs are neither regulatory nor enforceable as law. IRs provide clarification of a wide variety of specific code requirements and while compliance with these interpretations will assist designers in presenting complete submittal packages, DSA will consider alternate materials and methods of construction proposed by design professionals. Provisions of IRs are applicable to all projects under DSA’s jurisdiction, while decisions by DSA plan reviewers are applicable only to the specific project under review.
Understanding the Numbering
IRs are numbered for identification by location of the topic within the following 12 parts of the California Code of Regulations, Title 24:
Number | Code Title | IR Type |
1 | California Administrative Code (CAC) | A, EB |
2 | California Building Code (CBC) | 16,17, etc. |
3 | California Electrical Code (CEC) | E |
4 | California Mechanical Code (CMC) | M |
5 | California Plumbing Code (CPC) | P |
6 | California Energy Code | N |
7 | Vacant | - |
8 | California Historical Building Code | - |
9 | California Fire Code | F |
10 | California Existing Building Code | EB |
11 | California Green Building Standards Code | CG |
12 | California Reference Standards Code | - |
Many IRs include a prefix letter in their title and this letter corresponds with the applicable Part of Title 24 as identified in the Table above. IRs associated specifically with Part 2 of the California Building Code (CBC) are quite numerous and include the corresponding Part 2 Chapter number instead of a prefix letter. When necessary, a suffix has also been added to the IR title indicating the applicable CBC edition to distinguish significant changes that may exist between code cycles, and that affect a particular IR. For example, “IR 17-3” refers to Part 2, Chapter 17, the third IR generated for that chapter; the most recent version for that document posted on the DSA web site at the time of project submittal is considered to be in effect for the project.
Understanding the Revision Marks
Revised IRs may include marginal markings as follows:
- Solid vertical lines in the right-hand margin within the body of the IR indicate a change from the previously published IR. (Minor or editorial revisions may not be marked.)
- Arrows in the right-hand margin indicate a deletion from the previously published IR.
By its statutory authority and responsibility, per Education Code Sec. 17308, DSA establishes and publishes consensus guidelines known as Interpretations of Regulations (IR). These documents clarify the intent of one or more code provisions applicable to design and construction of buildings or facilities projects under DSA jurisdiction. IR's present readily acceptable means of compliance with code provisions. However, DSA will consider other means proposed by design professionals. Provisions of IR's are applicable to all projects generally, while decisions by DSA plan reviewers are applicable only to the specific project under review.
- Approval for Temporary School Use of DSA Approved Relocatable Buildings (PDF)
Revised 12/24/20 - Construction Management Services for Public School Projects (PDF)
Revised 09/11/19 - Geohazard Report Requirements: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 06/22/23
IR A-1:
IR A-3:
IR A-4:
- Geohazard Report Requirements: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 06/11/21 - Geohazard Report Requirements: 2016, 2013 CBC (PDF)
Revised 10/07/16 - Product and Material Acceptance Based on A Valid Evaluation Report (PDF)
Revised 06/17/24 - Acceptance of Products, Materials, and Evaluation Reports: (N/A 2001 CBC) 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 CBC (PDF)
Revised 01/27/17 - Construction Change Document Submittal and Approval Process (PDF)
Revised 11/27/18 -
Inspector Certification and Approval (PDF)
Revised 02/28/25
IR A-5:
IR A-6:
IR A-7:
IR A-8:
- Project Inspector and Assistant Inspector Duties and Performance: 2022 CAC (PDF)
Revised 12/24/24 - Project Inspector and Assistant Inspector Duties and Performance: 2019 CAC (PDF)
Revised 06/22/22 - Project Inspector and Assistant Inspector Duties and Performance: 2007 CAC, 2010, 2013, 2016 (PDF)
Revised 05/23/16 - Site Improvements for School Building Projects (PDF)
Revised 03/11/20 - IR A-10 has been superseded by IR A-9 and IR A-22. Refer to both IRs.
- Incremental Submittals (PDF)
Revised 03/16/23 - IR A-12 has been superseded by IR A-7 and IR A-8. Refer to both IRs.
- Stop Work and Order to Comply (PDF)
Revised 12/01/12 - Walk-In Freezers and Cold Storage Boxes (PDF)
Revised 06/11/18 - Testing and Inspection of Remotely Fabricated Structural Elements (PDF)
Revised 11/09/20 - Voidance of Applications and Project Re-Submittal (PDF)
Revised 03/23/17 - Use of Construction Documents Prepared by Other Design Professionals (PDF)
Revised 08/27/24 - Design Professional Stamp (Seal) and Signature on Documents (PDF)
Revised 08/27/24 - New Projects Associated With Existing Uncertified Projects (PDF)
Revised 02/13/19 - Design, Installation and Maintenance of Fire Alarm Systems (PDF)
IR A-9:
IR A-10:
IR A-11:
IR A-12:
IR A-13:
IR A-14:
IR A-15:
IR A-17:
IR A-18:
IR A-19:
IR A-20:
IR A-21:
Revised 12/14/23
Construction Projects and Items Exempt From DSA Review (PDF)
Revised 02/04/25 - Construction Cost Reporting and DSA Fees (PDF)
Revised 09/11/19 - Construction Phase Duties of School District, Contractor and Design Professional (PDF)
Revised 09/11/19 - Design, Installation and Maintenance of Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems (AFSS): 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 12/14/23 - Design, Installation and Maintenance of Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems (AFSS); 2019, 2010 CBC (PDF)
Revised 4/25/22 - IR A-26 has been superseded by IR 10-2. Refer to IR below.
- Community College – Occupancy Classification and Occupant Load Factors: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 12/14/23 - Community College Classification and Occupant Load Factors: 2010, 2007 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/22/18 - Cargo Containers Used As Storage (PDF)
Revised 05/06/20 - Fire Alarm System Changes in Existing Buildings (PDF)
Revised 08/20/24 - Wind Turbines: 2010, 2007 CBC (PDF)
Issued 11/03/10 - DSA Hourly Fee Services (PDF)
Revised 08/26/22 - Project Inspection of School Buildings Owned by a Non-School Entity (PDF)
Revised 08/10/20 - Partial Demolition (PDF)
Revised 04/23/20 - Design-Build and Lease-Leaseback Alternative Project Delivery Methods (PDF)
Revised 08/20/19 - Cargo Containers Used As Laboratory Units (PDF)
Revised 02/01/21
IR A-22:
IR A-23:
IR A-24:
IR A-25:
IR A-26:
IR A-27:
IR A-28:
IR A-29:
IR A-30:
IR A-31:
IR A-32:
IR A-33:
IR A-34:
Existing Buildings
- Existing Building Regulations Overview: 2022 CAC (PDF)
Issued 03/22/23 - Conversion of Nonconforming Building: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Issued 05/01/24 - Evaluation and Design Criteria Report: 2022 CAC (PDF)
Revised 04/04/23 - Evaluation and Design Criteria Report: 2019 CAC (PDF)
Revised 03/30/22
IR EB-1:
IR EB-2:
IR EB-3:
IR EB-4:
- Rehabilitation Required by Cost: 2022 CAC (PDF)
Revised 02/06/25
- Alternate Valuation B Cost Estimate Template (Uniformat II) (XLSX)
Issued 02/28/24 - Alternate Valuation B Cost Estimate Template (MasterFormat) (XLSX)
Issued 07/24/24
- Rehabilitation Required by Cost: 2019 CAC (PDF)
Revised 03/11/22 - Rehabilitation Required by Scope: 2022 CAC (PDF)
Revised 04/04/23 - Rehabilitation Required by Scope: 2019 CAC (PDF)
Issued 03/10/22 -
Voluntary Seismic Upgrade: 2022 CAC (PDF)
Issued 03/19/24
IR EB-5:
IR EB-6:
Fire Protection & Life Safety Systems
IR 9-1:
- Emergency Voice/Alarm Communication Systems (PDF)
Revised 01/27/25 - Carbon Monoxide Detection Requirements for Group E Classrooms and Group I-4 Occupancies (PDF)
Revised 12/14/23
IR 9-2:
Means of Egress
IR 10-2:
IR 11B-6:
- Accessibility Review of Mechanical (HVAC) Projects (PDF)
Revised 05/27/21 - Use of Predetermined Construction Tolerance Guidelines for Accessibility: 2010, 2007 CBC (PDF)
Revised 01/01/11 - Accessibility Requirements for Solar Photovoltaic Systems at School Sites: 2013 CBC (PDF)
Issued 12/12/13 - Scoping and Path of Travel Upgrade Requirements for Facility Alteration, Addition and Structural Repair Projects: 2016 CBC (PDF)
Issued 04/18/17
IR 11B-8:
IR 11B-9:
IR 11B-10:
IR 11B-11:
- Bathrooms in Newly Constructed Housing Facilities for Undergraduate Students at a Public School, College or University (PDF)
Issued 09/28/23
Roofing & Roof Structures
- Attachment of Clay or Concrete "S" Roof Tile: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 02/08/20 - Clay and Concrete Roof Tile Materials and Application: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 02/08/20
IR 15-1:
IR 15-2:
Structural Design
- Relocatable Buildings and Modular Elevator Towers: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 06/14/23 - Design and Construction Requirements for Relocatable Buildings and Modular Elevator Towers: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 12/08/20 - Design and Construction Requirements for Relocatable Buildings and Modular Elevator Towers 2016 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/01/19 - IR 16-3 has been renumbered to IR 18-2. See the Soils & Foundations section below.
- Folding and Telescopic Seating: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Issued 09/04/24 - Bleachers and Grandstands: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 09/04/24 - Design, Fabrication and Inspection of Bleachers, Folding and Telescopic Seating, and Grandstands: 2016 CBC (PDF)
Issued 03/21/17 - Composite Base for HVAC Units: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 08/02/23 - Composite Base for HVAC Units: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 03/25/20 - Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal Systems Review and Approval Requirements: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 01/18/24 - Pendant Luminaires: 2022 CBC (PDF)
IR 16-1:
IR 16-3:
IR 16-4:
IR 16-5:
IR 16-6:
IR 16-8:
IR 16-9:
Revised 09/13/23
- Pendant Luminaires: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 09/14/20 - IR 16-10 has been renumbered to IR 31-2. See the Special Construction section below.
- Seismic Out-of-Plane Forces for Non-Bearing Non-Shear Concrete and Masonry Walls: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/10/23 - Seismic Out-of-Plane Forces for Non-Bearing Non-Shear Concrete and Masonry Walls: 2016 CBC (PDF)
Issued 05/08/19
IR 16-10:
IR 16-11:
Issued 12/31/19
IR 16-13:
Revised 09/30/24
Structural Tests & Special Inspections
- Special Inspection Program (SIP) (PDF)
Revised 01/21/25 - Nondestructive Testing (NDT) of Structural Welds: 2016 and 2013 CBC (PDF)
Revised 06/11/18 - Structural Welding Inspection: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 09/24/19 - Structural Welding Inspection: (N/A 2001 CBC) 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/08/18 -
Sampling and Testing of High-Strength Structural Bolts, Nuts and Washers: 2019 CBC (PDF) Revised 09/24/19 - Sampling and Testing of High-Strength Structural Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: 2016 and 2013 CBC (PDF)
Issued 07/14/17 -
High-Strength Structural Bolting Inspection: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 01/09/25 - High-Strength Structural Bolting Inspection: 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/08/18 -
Sampling, Testing and Tagging of Reinforcing Bars (PDF)
Revised 11/18/24 -
Identification, Sampling and Testing of Threaded Steel Anchor Bolts and Anchor Rods (PDF)
Revised 06/27/16 -
Special Inspection Reporting Requirements (PDF)
Revised 04/23/20 - Batch Plant Inspection (PDF)
Issued 07/28/20
IR 17-1:
IR 17-2:
IR 17-3:
IR 17-8:
IR 17-9:
IR 17-10:
IR 17-11:
IR 17-12:
IR 17-13:
Soils & Foundations
- Controlled Low-Strength Material (CLSM): 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 09/25/23
IR 18-1:
- Segmental Retaining Wall Systems of Precast Concrete Units: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 08/29/23 - Segmental Retaining Wall Systems of Precast Concrete Units: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 08/12/22 - Earth Retaining Systems with Precast Concrete or Concrete Masonry Units: 2016, 2013 and 2010 CBC (PDF)
Revised 11/07/17
IR 18-2:
IR 18-3:
- Foundation Analysis and Design Forces: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 02/13/24
IR 18-4:
- Superstructure to Foundation Connection: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Issued 12/12/23
IR 18-5:
- Foundation Design and Detailing: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Issued 01/03/24
Revised 09/12/23
- Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) Panels: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 09/09/21 - IR 19-3 has been retired. Refer to IR 17-13 above for additional information.
- Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregates: 2010, 2007 CBC (PDF)
Issued 01/12/11 - Mixing Water Used in Concrete: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 07/30/24
IR 19-3:
IR 19-4:
IR 19-5:
- Flat Wall Insulating Concrete Form (IFC) Construction: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 11/16/23 - Flat Wall Insulating Concrete Form (IFC) Construction: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Issued 08/12/22
IR 19-6:
- Non-Bearing Non-Shear Masonry Walls: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/12/23 - Non-Bearing Non-Shear Masonry Walls: 2016 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/08/19 - Concrete Masonry Multi-Lift Grouting: 2022 CBC (PDF)
IR 21-1:
IR 21-2:
Revised 08/01/24
- Concrete Masonry High-Lift Grouting Method: 2013 CBC (PDF)
Revised 03/03/16
- Steel Deck Diaphragms with Structural Concrete Fill: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/11/23 - Design Procedures for Steel Deck Diaphragms with Structural Concrete Fill: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/12/20 - Anchor Rods Connecting Steel to Concrete: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/11/23
IR 22-1:
IR 22-2:
- Anchor Rods (Bolts) Connecting Steel to Concrete: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 06/05/20 - Open-Web Steel Joists and Joist Girders: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 06/29/23 - Open-Web Steel Joists and Joist Girders: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/29/20
IR 22-3:
- Buckling-Restrained Brace Frames: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 10/22/24 - Buckling-Restrained Brace Frames: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Issued 04/01/21
IR 22-4:
- Prefabricated Wood Construction Connectors: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 06/13/23 - Prefabricated Wood Construction Connectors: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/13/20 - Concrete Curbs in Wood Frame Buildings (PDF)
Revised 06/13/23 - Metal-Plate-Connected Wood Trusses: 2022 CBC (PDF)
IR 23-1:
IR 23-3:
IR 23-4:
Revised 06/15/23
- Metal-Plate-Connected Wood Trusses: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 08/17/20 - Bolts Used in Wood Construction (PDF)
Revised 05/13/20 - Wood Structural Panel Acceptance—Plywood and Oriented Strand Board (OSB): 2022 CBC (PDF)
IR 23-5:
IR 23-6:
Revised 08/14/24
- Wood Structural Panel Acceptance—Plywood and Oriented Strand Board (OSB): 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 11/23/20 - Manufactured Wood-Chord-Metal-Web Trusses: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 08/15/23 - Manufactured Wood-Chord-Metal-Web Trusses: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 09/10/20 - Prefabricated Wood I-Joist: 2022 CBC (PDF)
IR 23-8:
IR 23-9:
Revised 06/01/23
- Prefabricated Wood I-Joist: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 06/17/20 - Structural Glued Lumber: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 08/02/23 - Structural Glued Lumber: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 07/08/21
IR 23-10:
Glass & Glazing
- Glass Panel Railings: 2022 CBC (PDF)
IR 24-1:
Revised 06/13/23
- Glass Panel Railings: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 05/12/20 - Window Wall Systems: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 06/07/24
- Window Wall Systems: 2016 CBC (PDF)
Issued 09/22/17
IR 24-2:
Gypsum Board & Plaster
- Maximum Allowable Load for Ceiling Wires (PDF)
Revised 07/01/20 - Suspended Lay-In Panel Ceiling: 2022 CBC (PDF)
IR 25-1:
IR 25-2:
Revised 01/17/25
- Suspended Lay-In Panel Ceiling: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 03/18/22 - Suspended Gypsum Board Ceiling: 2022 CBC (PDF)
IR 25-3:
Revised 08/25/23
- Suspended Gypsum Board Ceiling: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 08/24/21 - Self-Furring Lath: 2022 CBC (PDF)
IR 25-4:
Revised 06/14/23
- Self-Furring Lath: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 07/07/21
Elevators & Conveying Systems
- Building Materials and Systems (PDF)
Revised 09/23/24
IR 30-1:
Special Construction
IR 31-1:
- Construction and Installation of Free-Standing, Open-Sided Shade Structure Canopies (PDF)
Revised 12/03/24
IR 31-2:
- Intermodal Shipping Container Conversion to School Building: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 11/08/23 - Cargo Container Conversion to Modular School Buildings: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 06/09/20
- Grounding of Buildings Fabricated Off Site (PDF)
Revised 09/20/17 - Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (PDF)
Revised 01/11/24 - Reliable Power Supply for Electric Fire Pumps (PDF)
Revised 01/11/24
IR E-1:
IR E-2:
IR E-3:
- Electric Vehicle Chargers in New Construction Additions and Alterations (PDF)
Issued 07/24/24
IR CG-1:
- Lab Fume Hood Duct Manifold Requirements (PDF)
Revised 07/08/18
IR M-1:
- NonWater Urinal: 2010, 2007, 2001 CBC (PDF)
Revised 11/03/10
IR P-1:
Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria
- Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria Freestanding Signs, Scoreboards, and Ball Walls: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 11/09/22 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria Freestanding Signs and Scoreboards: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Issued 04/09/20 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Modular Buildings: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 12/05/22 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Modular Buildings: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 12/08/20 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Modular Elevator Towers: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 11/09/22 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Modular Elevator Towers: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Issued 04/21/20 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Open Fabric Shade Structures: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Edited 05/08/24 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Open Fabric Shade Structures: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Issued 03/27/20 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Precast Concrete Buildings: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 12/06/22 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Precast Concrete Buildings: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Issued 04/16/20 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Relocatable Buildings: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Revised 12/05/22 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Relocatable Buildings: 2019 CBC (PDF)
Revised 12/08/20 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Steel Cantilevered Canopy Structures: 2022 CBC (PDF)
Edited 03/08/24 - Pre-Check (PC) Design Criteria for Steel Cantilevered Column Structures (Ordinary and Special): 2019 CBC (PDF)
Issued 07/23/20
IR PC-1:
IR PC-2:
IR PC-3:
IR PC-4:
IR PC-5:
IR PC-6:
IR PC-7:
- IR N-1 Superseded by PR 18-02
- IR N-2: Requirement for Carbon Dioxide (C02) Monitoring in Public Schools–Repealed, superseded by BU 21-01
IR N-3:
Issued 02/22/23
IR N-4:
- Modular Battery Energy Storage Systems: 2022 CBC and CFC (PDF)
Revised 08/22/23
Fire Protection Systems
- IR F-1 Superseded by IR 9-1
- Fire Watch Requirements During School Construction Projects (PDF)
Issued 12/20/17
IR F-2:
A DSA Policy (PL) is a set of governing statements established through internal and external stakeholder consensus based on law and code objectives, addressing any aspect of DSA's plan and construction review program that is not clearly addressed by code. Policy also may specify administrative or technical requirements that are not yet addressed within Title 24 but are deemed important and necessary to fulfill code objectives in advance of, or in lieu of, adoption into the California Building Standards Code.
- PL 06-01 Superseded by PL 18-02
- PL 07-02: Over-the-Counter Review of Projects Using Pre-Check (PC) Approved Designs (PDF)
Revised 08/21/17 - PL 07-03: Fire Department and Emergency Access Roadways and School Drop-Off Areas (PDF)
Revised 12/14/23 - PL 09-01: Fire Flow for Buildings (PDF)
Revised 12/14/23 - PL 09-04: 90-Day Letter and Reopening of Files for Project Certification (PDF)
Issued 08/19/09 - PL 09-05: Elevator Cab Sizes (PDF)
Revised 12/12/18 - PL 10-01: Plan Submittal Requirements: Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems (AFSS) (PDF)
Revised 08/27/24 - PL 11-01: Green Oaks Fire Protection Act (SB 575) Implementation (PDF)
Revised 02/14/19 - PL 13-01: Re-Examination of Files for Project Recertification (PDF)
Issued 10/08/13 - PL 14-01: Inspection Card Use for Small/Fast Projects (PDF)
Issued 06/09/14 - PL 17-01: Charter Schools Enforcement Jurisdiction (PDF)
Issued 05/03/17 - PL 18-01: Communication Towers, Poles and Buildings Utilized by State Agencies for Essential Services Communications (PDF)
Issued 11/26/18 - PL 18-02: Record Sets of DSA-Approved Construction Documents (PDF)
Issued 11/27/18 - PL 19-01: Project Inspector Certification Extension (PDF)
Revised 10/25/22 - PL 24-01: Workforce Housing Projects and Community College Student Housing Projects Submitted to DSA (PDF)
Revised 12/18/24
A DSA Procedure (PR) is process or series of steps that DSA staff and/or external stakeholders must complete in order to fulfill one or more administrative requirements of DSA's plan and construction review programs.
- PR 07-01: Pre-Check (PC) Approval (PDF)
Edited 07/02/24 - PR 07-02: Modernization Grant for Accessibility and Fire and Life Safety Requirements (PDF)
Revised 07/25/19 - PR 08-03: Seismic Mitigation Program (PDF)
Revised 12/18/24Issued 12/18/2024
- PR 09-01: Code Appeal (PDF)
Revised 09/18/18
- PR 13-01: Construction Oversight Process (PDF)
Revised 08/21/17 - PR 13-02: Project Certification Process (PDF)
Revised 12/26/14
- PR 14-01: Flood Design and Project Submittal Requirements: 2016, 2013 CBC (PDF)
Revised 01/27/17 - PR 14-02: Exempt Concurrence (PDF)
Revised 09/20/19 - PR 15-01: Required Information for Path of Travel Upgrades on Construction Documents (PDF)
Revised 04/18/17 - PR 15-03: Compliance With CALGreen Code Outdoor Water Use Regulations (PDF)
Revised 03/05/21 - PR 16-03: Audits of Certified Access Specialist (CASp) Inspection Reports (PDF)
Issued 10/18/16 - PR 17-01: Certification Renewal of Certified Access Specialists (CASp) (PDF)
Issued 04/04/17 - PR 17-03: Project Submittal Appointment Process (PDF)
Revised 02/11/19 - PR 18-01: Request for Alternate Design, Materials and Methods of Construction (PDF)
Issued 01/31/18 - PR 18-02: Pre-Check (PC) Building Designs CalGreen/Energy Code Compliance Review (PDF)
Revised 02/28/23 - PR 18-04: Electronic Plan Review for Design Professionals (PDF)
Revised 11/19/24 - PR 18-05: Electronic Plan Review for Consultant Plan Reviewer (PDF)
Revised 01/11/24 - PR 18-09: Electronic Plan Review for Over-the-Counter (OTC) Projects (PDF)
Revised 11/18/24 - PR 20-01: Request for Exempting Mortar Sampling and Testing (PDF)
Revised 07/13/23 - PR 20-02: Online Payments for Plan Review Filing Fees, Plan/Field Review Fee Invoices and Project Certification Re-Examination Fees (PDF)
Issued 07/07/20 - PR 21-01: Approval Process for "DSA-SS/CC" Alternative Community College Building Code Provisions (PDF)
Issued 09/15/21 - PR 23-04: Alternate Means for Photovoltaic (PV) Panel Requirements: Campus PV Systems (PDF)
Issued 08/23/23 - PR 24-01: Back Check Procedure for Design Professionals (PDF)
Issued 10/16/24 - PR 24-04: Request for Finding of Unreasonable Hardship Per CBC 11B-202.4 Exception 8 (PDF)
Issued 09/18/24
Department of General Services
Division of the State Architect
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 445-8100
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