The Division of the State Architect (DSA) offers a monthly webinar series featuring local and national accessibility specialists who provide presentations on relevant topics concerning access provisions of the California Building Code (CBC) and federal accessibility standards for Certified Access Specialists (CASp), design professionals, and code enforcers.

For CASps, one continuing education credit is offered for a minimum of one-hour attendance during the meeting time.

The CCDG is offered through registration with DSA Academy Learning Management System.

To register for each CCDG session, please visit DSA Academy. Registration closes 1 week prior to each discussion date.

For CASps, one continuing education credit is offered for a minimum of one-hour attendance during the meeting time. The type of CEU credit available will be based on topic. Either California Building Code (CBC) or Federal Laws Standards, and Regulations or Equivalent Activity (FED), will be listed with the topic. These CEU's are required to be reported by the CASp at time of renewal and will be confirmed at time of renewal.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact

Scheduled dates to be third Thursday of each month. CEU type and topics for future months will be determined as the discussion date approaches.


January 16


Q&A with the DSA Access Unit

February 20  (CBC) DSA Forms 608 & 610
March 20  (TBD)


April 17  (TBD) TBD
May 15 (TBD) TBD
June 19  (TBD) TBD
July 17  (TBD) TBD
 August 21  (TBD) TBD
 September 18  (TBD) TBD
 October 16  (TBD) TBD
 November 20  (TBD) TBD
 December 18  (TBD) TBD


Participation in CCDG sessions is free; however, registration  through your DSA Academy LMS account is required. To register online for an upcoming webinar, log into your DSA Academy account; go to the Course Catalog to browse available coursework; select and follow instructions to complete the registration process.

This account will also enable you to manage your classes including the ability to track your attendance by viewing your transcript, as certificates of attendance will not be offered. Per CASp Program regulations, it is the CASp’s responsibility to retain records of their continuing education attendance. You will also be emailed links for each session you have registered. To create an account, go to the DSA Academy resource webpage.

Please read the information in the 2024 SESSIONS tab for information on meeting dates, speakers, topics, and for availability of presentation slides.


One CEU is offered for participation for each CCDG to CASps which may be applied toward their CASp certification renewal. To obtain one CEU, a CASp must be in attendance for a minimum of one hour during the meeting time of 11:30 am to 12:40 pm.

Continuing education units for CCDG sessions are issued according to the coursework content: Regulatory updates to accessibility provisions of the CBC, designated as (CBC); and, federal accessibility regulations, standards, guidelines, and equivalent activities are designated as (FED). Each CCDG session will include the CEU designation of either (CBC) or (FED). When completing your CASp certification renewal application, list CCDG webinars with (CBC) designation under “California Building Code Continuing Education” and those with (FED) designation under “Federal Standards/Regulations Continuing Education and Equivalent Activity.”

Please refer to Section 136 Continuing Education in the CASp Program regulations for additional information.




January 20


 Jim Terry AIA, CASp & Bill Hecker, Architect, Accessibility Consulting
Bill & Jim’s Most Excellent Code Discussion Adventure – An Open Q&A Session

February 17 (FED) 

Bill Botten of the Access Board
ADA Chapter 7: Communication Elements and Features – Presentation

March 17 (FED)

Cris Vaughan, CASp, ADAC, PA, Attorney at Law
ADA Litigation Update for the CASp

April 21  (FED)  Janis Kent, FAIA
Stepping Thru – Vignette Series: Exceptions & Nuances in the ADA Standards & CBC
June 16 (CBC)  Stoyan Bumbalov, CASp

Part 2 Chapter 11A Housing Accessibility Important Details

July 21 (CBC)   Susan Moe, DSA Senior Architect, CASp

Rulemaking Activities by DSA for Chapter 11B and Why a CASp Should Care! 

August 18  (FED) Jim Terry AIA, CASp, Evan Terry Associates

If You Turn the Building Upside Down 



January 15 (FED) John L. Wodath | Then, Now the ACT
February 19 (FED) Bill Botten | Play Areas & Swimming Pools
March 18 (FED)

Cris Vaughan | What You Need to Know About Readily Achievable, Technically Infeasible and Structurally Impracticable

April 15 (FED) Jim Terry | Applying Seven ADA Concepts, Plus Rules for Furniture and Equipment
May 20 (FED) Scott Windley | Common Errors and Omissions
July 15 (FED) Bill Hecker | LA Affordable Housing Accessibility Case: Top 5 Lessons Learned
August 19 (CBC) Sue Moe | Amendments to 2019 CBC 11B – Part One
September 6 (CBC)  Sue Moe | Amendments to 2019 CBC 11B – Part Two 
October 21 (FED)  Scott Windley | ADAS: Chapter 6 Plumbing Elements & Facilities 
November 18 (CBC)  Stoyan Bumbalov | Chapter 11A Important Details – Part One 
December 16  (FED)  Minh N. Vu | Debunking Common Myths Held By Business Owners about the ADA and Helping Them Get to Accessibility 


January 15 (FED) Cris Vaughan | Q&A
February 20 (CBC) Sue Moe | 2019 11B Updates
March 20 (FED) Mike Gibbens | Readily Achievable Barrier Removal
May 15 (FED) Cris Vaughan | Readily Achievable Barrier Removal Standards & Alteration of Existing Facilities
June 19 (FED) Scott Windley | ADAS
July  17 (FED) DSA | CASp Resources – Where to Find It
August 21 (CBC) Derek Shaw | Chapter 11B California Amendments & Public-Rights of Way
September 18 (CBC) Sue Moe | 11B Amendments in the 2019 Triennial Edition of the CBC
November 20 (FED) Jim Terry | Applying the ADA Concepts – Part One
December 18  (CBC)  Sue Moe | 2019 Intervening Rulemaking Cycle


January 17 (CBC) DSA | General Accessibility Discussion 
February 21 (CBC) DSA | General Accessibility Discussion
March 21 (CBC) DSA | Reserved Sections in 11B
April 18 (CBC) DSA | Understanding Applicable Standards
May 16 (CBC) DSA | Required Clearances in Toilet Facilities
June 20 (CBC) DSA | 2018 Triennial Code Adoption Cycle
July 18 (CBC) DSA | 2018 Triennial Code Adoption Cycle, continued
August 15 (CBC) DSA | Q&A
September 19 (CBC) DSA | 11B, Division 1: Application & Administration
October 17 (CBC) DSA | Q&A
November 21 (FED) Scott Windley | Q&A
December  19 (FED) Jim Terry Kaylan Dunlap | Q&A


Eric Driever, Principal Architect

Division of the State Architect

1102 Q Street, Suite 5100
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 443-9932