Construction Oversight for Schools, Essential Services Construction Projects
After the plans are approved, DSA is notified by the design professional of the start of construction. DSA reviews the qualifications of and approves the proposed project inspector(s) who will inspect the construction. DSA schedules visits by its field staff to report on the construction and performance of the project inspector to verify compliance with the California Building Code. During these construction site visits, the DSA staff work closely with the project inspector to assure that the intent of the plans and specifications are achieved at the construction site and that all required approvals are properly administered by the design professionals.
The DSA staff reviews and approves all construction change documents, reviews all inspector and lab reports and makes recommendations regarding the closeout and certification of construction. DSA also has authority to stop construction if it does not meet the code. The staff interacts closely and promptly with the design professional to achieve code compliance and to administer construction certification.
In 2013, DSA implemented significant changes to the Construction Oversight Process. These changes are designed to streamline the DSA construction phase process and to ensure that projects are certified at the completion of construction. Effective June 1, 2013, DSA began utilizing an Inspection Card Process similar to that used by virtually every building department throughout the State.
For information on how to submit a project, see the Start a Construction Project by Submitting Plans for Review webpage.
To continue learning about DSA plan review and oversight, visit the following pages:
DSA administers programs to certify inspectors and accept materials testing laboratories. For more information visit the following programs:
Design professionals play a crucial role in the construction oversight and certification process. Navigating various requirements to ensure project certification can be daunting, but need not be through awareness and planning. This presentation provides guidance for design professionals to fulfill requirements facilitating project certification.
Contact US
DSA Sacramento Regional Office
1102 Q Street, Suite 5200
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 445-8730
DSA Oakland Regional Office
1515 Clay Street, Suite 1201
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 622-3101
DSA Los Angeles Basin Regional Office
700 N. Alameda Street, Suite 5-500
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 897-3995
DSA San Diego Regional Office
10920 Via Frontera, Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92127
(858) 674-5400