Taxpayer ID and Social Security Number Disclosure for Certification
Learn about DSA’s collection of social security and taxpayer identification information on professional, material, and facility certification programs for the purpose of reviewing for tax delinquencies and child support orders.
California Business and Professions Code section 494.5 and California Family Code section 17520 require state governmental licensing entities to collect from applicants their social security numbers or federal taxpayer identification numbers for specified purposes. DSA uses the DSA 650: Disclosure of Social Security Number and/or Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (PDF) to collect the necessary information in order to check it against the respective lists provided by the Franchise Tax Board (FTB), the Board of Equalization (BOE) and the Department of Child Support Services (DCSS). The DSA 650 form is required when applicants apply for certification/approval or recertification/renewal, if not previously submitted.
In accordance with statute, any applicant that appears on the list of the top 500 tax delinquencies for either FTB or BOE will have 90 days to resolve the tax delinquency, or not be licensed or approved. DSA will not refund any money paid for the issuance or renewal of a license where the license is denied or suspended pursuant to California Business and Professions Code section 494.5. Originating legislation is Assembly Bill (AB) 1424, Chapter 455, Statutes of 2011.
The following DSA programs are subject to these requirements:
- Certified Access Specialist Program
- Gas Shut Off Valve Program
- Glulam Inspector Certification/Recertification
- Laboratory Evaluation and Acceptance Program
- Masonry Inspector Certification/Recertification
- Project Inspector Certification/Recertification Program
- Shotcrete Inspector Certification/Recertification
For reference, current FTB and BOE lists are available:
- Franchise Tax Board - Top 500 Delinquent Taxpayers
- California Department of Tax and Fee Administration - Top 500 Sales & Use Tax Delinquencies (Replaced:
There may be additional causes for denial or suspension of certification/licensure. Refer to the regulations and guides for the respective certification programs.
Department of General Services
Division of the State Architect
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 445-8100