Apply and Maintain CASp Certification
Qualified individuals can apply for Certified Access Specialist (CASp) certification through the Division of the State Architect (DSA) by establishing eligibility and passing the examination.
The CASp program is designed to meet the public's need for experienced, trained, and tested individuals who can inspect buildings and sites for compliance with applicable state and federal construction-related accessibility standards. This program is governed by the Title 21 Voluntary Certified Access Specialist Program Regulations and applies to any individuals who seek certification or do business as a CASp.
The CASp Program application, examination, certification, and certification maintenance process is outlined below. It contains information on how to become a certified access specialist, fees associated with the certification program, and a description of the CASp scope of work.
Information on how to hire a CASp is located on the CASp Property Inspection webpage.
How To Apply For CASp Certification
Submit An Application
Applications are accepted on a continuous basis; however, in order for a candidate to be considered eligible for the next examination administration, the CASp Program must be in receipt of the candidate eligibility application and application fee a minimum of two business days prior to the examination registration deadline, to allow for application processing, request for additional information if required, and for confirmation of eligibility to be sent to the candidate.
Incomplete applications or applications requiring additional information may not be processed in time for the examination. If you have unusual circumstances, a lengthier application package, or other factors including deadlines set by your organization, please plan accordingly. While we make every effort to accommodate time-sensitive needs, factors beyond our control may cause additional time needed to confirm eligibility. You must have an approved application prior to registering for an examination.
There are two methods for applying:
- Online through the CASp Account Login.
- By mail (only check payments may accompany a mail-in registration) with a completed CASp eligibility application (DSA 600-A).
The application fee is $500 for Eligibility Category A, B, or C. The fee is $100 for Eligibility Category D. (Refer to page 3 in the handbook for explanation of the categories.)
Register For An Examination
There are two examinations: Open Book and Closed Book. The cost is $250 per examination and the fee is nonrefundable. You may register for one or both examination portions. Registration closes one month prior to the examination date or when the exam reaches the maximum capacity seating, whichever occurs first.
After confirmation of eligibility, you may register for an examination.
There are two methods of registration:
- Online through the CASp Account Login.
- By mail (only check payments). Please print the completed online DSA 600 R and mail it in with the check payment.
A candidate will receive his/her CASp examination results by mail within six to eight weeks of taking the examination.
For more information on how to request a reasonable accommodation please refer to the Candidate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section below.
Complete the Certification Process
Once you have eligible passing scores for both the Open Book and Closed Book examinations, you may complete the certification process. Once the following two items are received, your name is published on the Certified Access Specialists List.
- Submit to the CASp Program an original signed Disclosure of Social Security Number and/or Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (DSA 650) form, by mail. Your certification will not be processed until this this form is received by the CASp Program.
- Pay the $200 certification fee.
Certification is valid for a three-year period beginning on the date stipulated in the letter of certification confirmation by the State Architect (typically the date of your certification fee payment). For more information on working as a CASp and maintaining certification, please review DSA's resource documents below.
The emergency declaration requiring COVID-19 precautions has expired, therefore masks will be optional. In the event that emergency measures are reinstated, changes to procedures may be necessary and DSA will notify candidates via email.
For more information you may contact the CASp program via email or by phone at (916) 322-1912.
Exam Dates:
- June 9, 2025
- June 13, 2025
Project Type for the Open Book: To be announced two months from examination date
2022 TOC Reference List (PDF) - Provided reference materials will include the July 1, 2024, Supplement
Exam Schedule:
June 9 – Open Book June 9 – Closed Book
8:00 AM – Registration time 8:00 AM – Registration time
1:00 PM – Registration time 1:30 PM – Registration time
June 13– Open Book June 13 – Closed Book
8:00 AM – Registration time 8:00 AM – Registration time
1:00 PM – Registration time 1:30 PM – Registration time
Close of registration for June 2025 is May 9, 2025, or when seats are filled, whichever comes first.
You may sign up for one location and one date only. Examinations will be held as shown (subject to change; please read all emails carefully that are provided after you have registered for an exam date). The EXAM TIMELINE section above indicates on which day and at what time the Open book and Closed book part occurs.
Seating for the exam is limited. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.
Additional Examinations
Additional examination dates for 2025 will be announced when confirmed. Locations and dates are subject to change.
For more information you may contact the CASp program via email or by phone at (916) 322-1912.
DSA’s CASp open book exam is administered electronically. Reference materials and test questions will be provided by DSA in electronic form. Candidates should be proficient in navigating multiple PDF files using Adobe Acrobat software in a Microsoft Windows environment. Dual monitors will be provided to facilitate reading multiple documents simultaneously.
The Closed Book portion is administered with physical DSA provided exam materials.
The CASp open book and closed book portions will be administered at the DSA Regional Office located at:
Sacramento – 1102 Q Street, Suite 5200, Sacramento, CA 95811
Oakland – 1515 Clay Street, Suite 1201, Oakland, California 94612
Los Angeles – 355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, California 90071
San Diego – 10920 Via Frontera, Suite 300, San Diego, California 92127
Each section of the examination has its own time allotted. One hour is allowed for a lunch break. Lunch is not provided. Candidates taking both exams must take both on the same day, at the same location.
Your exam results will include individualized performance report for the questions asked in both portions of the Certified Access Specialist exam.
Closed Book CASp Exam Metrics
The closed book examination is comprised of 60 questions which examinees have 90 minutes to answer. Results for the closed book exam will include the examinee’s score by category. The closed book exam will be comprised as follows:
- Knowledge of the California Building Code (CBC) Standards and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) for Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities: Scoping and General/Technical
- 24 questions
- Questions will assess knowledge and application of the 2019 CBC, Title 24, Part 2; the 2019 California Historical Building Code, Title 24 Part 8; the 1991 ADAAG; and the 2004 ADAAG.
- Knowledge of State and Federal Regulations and Guidelines for Housing
- 12 questions
- Questions will assess knowledge and application of the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA); Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS); Fair Housing Act (FHA) and FHA Accessibility Guidelines; 2019 CBC, Chapter 11A (Private Housing); 2019 CBC, Chapter 11B (Public Housing).
- Knowledge of Federal Regulations for Accessibility
- 8 questions
- Questions will assess knowledge and application of Titles I, II, III, IV and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act; ABA; the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and Guidelines for Outdoor Developed Areas.
- CASp Responsibility and California Statutory Requirements for Disability Access
- 8 questions
- Questions will assess knowledge of the CASp Program Regulations, and knowledge and application of California laws related to access in the Civil Code, Government Code, and Health and Safety Code.
- Identifying Applicable Standards
- 8 questions
- Questions will assess a candidate's ability to identify and apply the requirements of one or more applicable standards in a given scenario.
Open Book CASp Exam Metrics
The open book examination is comprised of 40 questions which examinees have 120 minutes to answer. Results for the open book exam will include the examinee's score by category, and the questions asked within each category are not fixed and vary by project type. Candidates will, however, receive feedback on the number of questions provided in each category and the number of questions the candidate answered correctly in each category. The open book exam will be comprised of questions addressing the application of CBC Chapter 11B and the DSA-AC adopted accessibility provisions in other chapters of the CBC. The following is a sample Testing Categories list:
- Scoping and technical accessibility requirements based on project type or special project elements (May include CHBC, and portions of CBC Chapter 11B Division 8, 9, and 10, depending on project type.)
- CBC Chapter 11B Division 2 scoping and Division 4 technical requirements on accessible routes
- CBC Chapter 11B Division 2 scoping and Division 5 technical requirements on general site and building elements
- CBC Chapter 11B Division 2 scoping and Division 6 technical requirements on plumbing elements and facilities
- CBC Chapter 11B Division 2 scoping and Division 7 technical requirements on communication elements and features
The technical requirements of CBC Chapter 11B Division 3 Building Blocks are addressed within the five Testing Categories.
Certification renewal is required every three years. We ask that you submit your renewal application no earlier than six months prior to the expiration date. A CASp that submits certification renewal information electronically within two days of certification expiration may place in jeopardy completing the certification renewal process by the expiration date.
There are two methods for renewal:
- Online through the CASp Account Login.
- By mail (only check payments may accompany a mail-in registration) with a completed CASp Certificate Renewal Application (DSA 600-R) form.
The $300.00 renewal fee includes the following:
- CEU Verification Fee: $100
- Certification Fee: $200
Delinquency Fee:
A certification that has expired may be renewed within one year of expiration provided the holder of the expired certification was not on suspended status at the time of certification expiration, has met the requirements of certification renewal, and has paid a $150.00 additional delinquency fee: in addition to certification renewal fees.
Certification maintenance information, including information regarding Continuing Education Units (CEU) required for certification renewal, can be found in the CASp Examination, Certification, and Practice Standards Handbook. It is imperative that you download and read this document prior to purchasing classes and obtaining CEU so that you know the CEU requirements for certification maintenance.
DSA Academy offers a CASp 101 class to assist CASps in gaining a better understanding of disability access statutes and in providing services as a CASp. This class offers 5 CEUs to satisfy CASp (as equivalent activity), AIA, ICC, and California Architects Board continuing education requirements.
DSA does not certify providers of continuing education. Possible sources of continuing education are available at the following links:
For CEU relating to California Building Code updates:
- DSA Academy
- Certified Access Specialist Institute (CASI)
- California Building Officials
- Your local AIA Chapter
For CEU relating to federal accessibility standards and guidelines:
DSA has made available for purchase numbered Disability Access Inspection Certificates (DAIC) for a price of $10 each. Certificates are available for purchase by a jurisdictional agency or a CASp in private practice and are issued only to CASps.
To place an order, complete the DSA 609: Disability Access Inspection Certificate Order Form.
The options for purchasing the DAICs are either by credit card or electronic check through a third-party software run by Fiserv at DSA DAIC Sales, or by mail with a check. Whether you pay online or by check, please be sure to follow the instructions on the form to complete your order.
Disability Access Inspection Certificates will be sent by US Mail or can be picked up at DSA Headquarters in Sacramento. Overnight shipping may be available for an additional fee, Tuesday through Thursday only, and as staffing permits. Email DSA for availability and price.
How do I become certified?
Information regarding the process for becoming a Certified Access Specialist (CASp) is detailed in the CASp Examination, Certification, and Practice Standards Handbook (PDF). It is imperative that you download and read this document prior to applying to the CASp program. This handbook is designed to guide you through the CASp program application, examination, certification, and certification maintenance process. It contains information on how to become a CASp, and on fees associated with the certification program. In addition, information is provided on the format, administration, and content of the CASp examination along with sample examination questions and answers. This handbook also contains the requirements for certification maintenance and renewal, along with information on the disciplinary process of the certification program. It is your responsibility to read the handbook carefully and become familiar with the procedures and policies contained therein.
Where do I find information about being a CASp?
Prior to applying for qualification into the program, we recommend you download and read both the CASp Examination, Certification, and Practice Standards Handbook and the complete text of the CASp Program Regulations. The CASp Program certifies through examination an individual's knowledge of various accessibility codes, standards, and regulations. The CASp Program Regulations state the criteria for eligibility, examination, and professional conduct and are designed to assure the public that CASps possess the expertise to assess facilities for compliance with construction-related accessibility standards.
How do I apply to the CASp program?
DSA prefers that all applicants apply to the program online. Application to the program, registration for the CASp Examination, application for certification renewal, and payment of all required fees for certification can be processed online through the CASp Account Login. DSA currently accepts Visa and MasterCard for payment by credit card using our secure pay-online system. Before completing the application, you should thoroughly read the CASp Examination, Certification, and Practice Standards Handbook, as the application fee is nonrefundable. Application and payment must be received a minimum of two business days prior to the CASp Examination registration deadline stipulated on the "Examination Dates and Deadlines" section on this webpage.
If necessary, you may apply to the program by mail by clicking the "Print Application and Mail Payment by Check" option. Complete and send your application, along with a check payable to the Division of the State Architect, to the address provided below. Before completing the application, thoroughly review the CASp Examination, Certification, and Practice Standards Handbook and the application form instructions.
If applying by mail, it is recommended to submit your application and payment at least two weeks prior to the examination registration deadline listed on the CASp Examination Dates and Deadlines webpage. This allows sufficient time for DSA to approve your application and for you to register for the CASp Examination.
Please mail your application and payment to:
Division of the State Architect
CASp Program
1102 Q Street, Suite 5100
Sacramento, CA 95811
Notice of candidate eligibility or denial of eligibility will be sent to your email address if an email address was included on your application. If an email address was not provided, notice of candidate eligibility or denial of eligibility will be mailed to the address indicated on your application. If eligibility is confirmed, you will be able to register for the CASp Examination.
How do I register for the CASp examination?
DSA prefers that all candidates register for the exam online through the CASp Account Login. Select the date and place of the examination you wish to attend and pay the examination fee by Visa or MasterCard using our secure pay-online system. The examination fee is nonrefundable. Registration and payment must be received by the examination registration deadline stipulated on the CASp Examination Dates and Deadlines webpage.
If necessary, you can register for the examination by mail, by downloading form DSA 601: CASp Examination Registration (PDF). Before completing the application, please thoroughly read the CASp Examination, Certification, and Practice Standards Handbook and the form instructions. Registration and payment must be received by DSA by the examination registration deadline stipulated on the "Examination Dates and Deadlines" section on this webpage.
If sending your examination registration and payment by mail, please mail to:
Division of the State Architect
CASp Program
1102 Q Street, Suite 5100
Sacramento, CA 95811
Confirmation of successful examination registration will be sent to your email address if an email address was included on your examination registration form. If an email address was not provided, confirmation will be mailed to the address indicated on the examination registration form.
What if I need a reasonable accommodation to take the examination?
Examination facilities are accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you require a testing accommodation, please download and read ADA Test Accommodation(s) Guidelines. Candidates requesting a test accommodation(s) must read form instructions and then submit form DSA 602: Test Accommodation(s) Request and to DSA. All reasonable accommodation requests and required documentation must be mailed and must be postmarked by the examination registration deadline listed on the "Examination Dates and Deadlines" section of this webpage; however, DSA strongly recommends that you submit your reasonable accommodations request and all required documentation as early as possible in order to ensure adequate time for DSA to arrange necessary accommodations. Please review the CASp Examination, Certification, and Practice Standards Handbook for additional information.
What is the cancellation policy if I have registered for an examination?
A candidate who has registered for an examination and is unable to attend must notify the DSA CASp program at least two business days prior to the examination date, in order to receive credit of the examination fee towards a future examination date. If advance notification is not provided and/or the candidate does not appear for the examination, the candidate will forfeit the examination fee.
How do I update my contact information?
To update contact information, log in with your established username and password at the CASp Account Login and select “My Contact Information” from the main menu. Revise your contact information and click on the “Update” button.
What should I do if I have forgotten my password?
If you have forgotten your password, you may request a password reset from the system. Go to the CASp Account Login and select “Forgot My Password.” Answer the security question you selected when you created your account profile. If the correct answer to the question is submitted, a password reset will be emailed to you. If you experience problems obtaining a password reset, email or call the CASp Program at (916) 323-2737.
How do I change my password?
To change your password, log in with your established username and password at the CASp Account Login and select the link to “Change Password,” which can be found under the “My CASp” tab at the upper left corner of the webpage. Enter your current password under “Password” and then enter your “New Password” and confirm your new password by entering identical characters. When you have completed your entries, click on the “Update” button. You will receive confirmation by email that your account profile was successfully updated. Next time you log in, use your new password. If you experience problems changing your password, email or call the CASp Program at (916) 322-1912.
How do I renew my certification?
The CASp Examination, Certification, and Practice Standards Handbook was designed to guide you through the certification maintenance and renewal process and it is imperative that you download and read this document prior to renewing certification. The Division of the State Architect (DSA) prefers all applicants to apply for certification renewal online through the CASp Account Login. Access the link for “My CASp Certification Renewal” and then the link to “Apply for Renewal.”
- A nonrefundable $100 Application Evaluation Fee is required upon submission of your certification renewal application. Additionally, if DSA has issued any disability inspection certificates to you, you must submit a record of every disability inspection certificates issued to you, which must include the number of each certificate, the city and zip code of the facility inspected, and the date of inspection. The record should include a status of “VOID” for any certificates you voided, and “UNISSUED” for any certificates that have not yet been issued. Any information pertaining to the determination of the facility as “CASp-inspected” or “meets applicable standards” must be redacted prior to submittal to DSA. Please email your record to The CASp Program reserves the right to request resubission of the record if the information submitted is illegible or unclear.
Upon approval of your continuing education units (CEUs), a non-refundable $200 Certification Fee to cover program administration for a three-year period of certification is required. DSA currently accepts Visa and MasterCard for payment by credit card using our secure pay-on-line system.
All renewal information (including continuing education information, payments, and, if applicable, the record of disability inspection certificates) must be received and approved by DSA prior to current certification expiration. Upon receipt of payment, DSA will mail you a confirmation letter of successful renewal and an official CASp certificate with your new expiration date.
Please note that your certification renewal application will not be processed unless DSA has a copy of your form DSA 650: Disclosure of Social Security Number and/or Federal Taxpayer Identification Number. If you did not send this information at initial certification or with a prior renewal, please see Taxpayer ID and Social Security Number Disclosure for Certification webpage for information and carefully read all instructions before completing the Form DSA 650.
Can I renew my certification by mail?
You may pay by check by selecting "Print Application and Mail Payment by Check." Send the completed application along with a check payable to the Division of the State Architect to the following address:
Division of the State Architect
CASp Program
1102 Q Street, Suite 5100
Sacramento, CA 95811
Please read all form instructions and the CASp Examination, Certification, and Practice Standards Handbook before applying for certification renewal.
All renewal information (including continuing education information, payments, and, if applicable, record of disability inspection certificates) must be received and approved by DSA prior to current certification expiration. Upon receipt of payment, DSA will mail you a confirmation letter of successful renewal and an official CASp certificate with your new expiration date.
What if I fail to renew by my certification expiration date?
An expired certification may be reinstated within the first year after expiration, provided that you meet all certification renewal requirements and pay an additional $150 delinquency fee. You may not practice as a CASp while your certification is expired. If you let your certification lapse for a year or longer, you must repeat the examination process if you decide you want to become CASp certified again.
How do I update my contact information?
To update contact information, log in with your established username and password at the CASp Account Login page and select "My Contact Information" from the main menu. Revise contact information and click on the “Update” button. You will receive confirmation via email that your account profile was successfully updated.
What should I do if I have forgotten my password?
If you have forgotten your password, you may request a password reset from the system. Go to the CASp Account Login and select “Forgot My Password.” Answer the security question you selected when you created your account profile. If the correct answer to the question is submitted, a password reset will be emailed to you. If you experience problems obtaining a password reset, email or call the CASp Program at (916) 322-1912.
How do I change my password?
To change your password, log in with your established username and password at the CASp Account Login and select the link to “Change Password,” which can be found under the “My CASp” tab at the upper left corner of the webpage. Enter your current password under “Password” and then enter your “New Password” and confirm your new password by entering identical characters. When you have completed your entries, click on the “Update” button. You will receive confirmation by email that your account profile was successfully updated. Next time you log in, use your new password. If you experience problems changing your password, email or call the CASp Program at (916) 322-1912.
CASp forms are available via a CASp Account Login. As an alternative, PDF versions of CASp program forms are also available below and on our Forms webpage.
- DSA 601: CASp Examination Registration (PDF)
- DSA 602: CASp Test Accommodations Request (PDF)
- DSA 610: Notice of Access Inspection and 120-Day Grace Period (HTML) | Instructions for DSA 610 (PDF)
Additional Information
- CASp 101: Certification and Practice Class Registration
- CASp Account Login
- CASp ADA Test Accommodation(s) Guidelines for the CASp Examination (PDF)
- CASp Best Practices Manual 2024 (PDF)
- Visit the CASp Code Discussion Group webpage for Scheduled Sessions
- CASp Examination, Certification, and Practice Standards Handbook (PDF)
- CASp Inspection Reports Requirements (PDF)
- Notice to Private Property Owner/Tenant (PDF)
Contact the CASp Program
1102 Q Street, Suite 5100
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 323-2737