All shotcrete construction on projects under DSA jurisdiction requires continuous inspection by an appropriately qualified individual per the California Building Code (CBC). The individual must be DSA certified in shotcrete inspection as required in Section 1705A.19 of the 2019 CBC and Section 4-335(f) of the California Administrative Code. DSA Shotcrete Special Inspectors shall have a thorough knowledge of the building materials of his or her specialty, shall be able to read and interpret plans and specifications, and must meet other miscellaneous qualification data.

Shotcrete Special Inspectors are listed on the DSA Certified Shotcrete Special Inspector List. Shotcrete Special Inspectors are required to recertify (renew) every four years. Though an individual may be DSA certified; DSA approval is required for each specific project when shotcrete special inspectors are hired independently of a DSA accepted laboratory by a school district.

How To Apply For Shotcrete Certification

  1. A detailed description of the application process is as follows:

    Step 1:

    Applicants must hold current/valid certification as a Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector through the International Code Council (ICC).

    Applicants must be at least 25 years old.

    Step 2:

    Applicants shall submit all of the following to DSA as one package to apply to sit for an exam:

    Upon approval by DSA to sit for the exam, the applicant will receive a detailed admittance letter and exam outline. Upon passing the exam, DSA will post his/her name on the DSA Certified Shotcrete Special Inspector List.

  2. The exam is 60 questions, with a two-hour time limit, and is open book format. Exam references and content are listed on the International Code Council's Exam Catalog webpage for the California state specific DSA Shotcrete Special Inspector exam.
  3. All DSA certified Shotcrete Special Inspectors must renew their DSA certification every four years prior to expiring. To apply for certification renewal, follow the same steps outlined above with two exceptions: evidence of work history and resubmittal of the DSA 650 is not required.

    Upon approval by DSA to sit for the exam, the applicant will receive a detailed admittance letter. Upon passing the exam, DSA will extend the applicant's certification for another four years on the DSA Certified Shotcrete Special Inspector List.

  4. Approval for a project is only required when the Shotcrete Special Inspector contracts individually and directly with the school board or design professional. Application for approval shall be made on form DSA 5-SI. The Shotcrete Inspector shall forward a copy of the completed, signed form to the design professional in responsible charge of the project for his/her signature and submission to DSA for approval. A Shotcrete Special Inspector is not considered approved until such time as his/her completed form bears the signature of the responsible DSA Field Engineer.

    Please note: Shotcrete Special Inspectors employed by the Laboratory of Record (LOR) do not file this form.

    DSA 5-SI: Special Inspector Qualification and Approval (project specific)

    Individuals will be evaluated in accordance with the following criteria prior to approval:

    • Shall be listed on the DSA website as currently certified as a Shotcrete Special Inspector.
    • Shall have met the minimum experience requirements for similar project types.
    • Shall have been approved by the school district, design professional in responsible charge, structural engineer and DSA.

Contact DSA Inspector Programs

Inspector Programs

Headquarters Office
Division of the State Architect

1102 Q Street, Suite 5100
Sacramento, CA 95811

(916) 443-9932