A list of laboratory facilities that have been evaluated and accepted by DSA to perform services on school projects can be found at Accepted Laboratories on DSA’s Tracker website. Laboratory Evaluation and Acceptance Program acceptance is typically valid for four years.

How to Apply

Step 1:
  • Submit an Application with Requisite Items
  • Make payment by credit card or electronic check through a third-party service, Fiserv at DSA Laboratory Fees, or include a check in the application package. Application fees are as follows: 
    • $8,000:  New applicant, re-evaluation or expiration of acceptance.
    • $2,000: Laboratory location change (move).
    • $1,000: Engineering Manager change.
    • $500: Changes to supervisors, laboratory name, added services, or NDT Level III.
Step 2:
  • Document review and DSA on-site Assessment (OSA)

DSA will schedule and an OSA upon receipt of required submittal items. DSA will provide the laboratory with written correspondence regarding visit schedule, required participants and an overview of how the OSA will proceed. 

In collaboration with the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) resource, the DSA has developed a comprehensive on-site evaluation program to enhance the effectiveness of the current DSA Laboratory Evaluation and Acceptance (LEA) Program.

Updated structural test and special inspection report templates are provided below for convenience and voluntary use by DSA-accepted testing facilities. These templates depict the mandatory information/statements and the desired format. Mandatory information includes addressee (typically the school district), DSA file and Application Number, specified requirements, cc list (architect, structural engineer, project inspector, and DSA) and the two conformance statements. Note that reports need not match these templates exactly. Additional information may be provided, test data may be rearranged, or other minor changes may be made. However, use of these standardized, electronically fillable templates is strongly encouraged since standardized templates will expedite review of reports by DSA and other parties to the project.

Test and Inspection Report Templates

(These templates are to be completed, printed and signed for submittal to DSA and CCs indicated.)

Contact the Laboratory Evaluation and Acceptance Program

Headquarters Office

Division of the State Architect

1102 Q Street, Suite 5100
Sacramento, CA 95811

(916) 445-8100