DSA oversees the certification of two types of gas shutoff valves as required by the Health and Safety Code. These are the Excess Flow Automatic Gas Shutoff Valve (EFV) and Earthquake Sensitive Shutoff Valve (ESV). 

Certified Gas Shutoff Valves Under DSA Oversight

Excess Flow Actuated Gas Shutoff Valves (EFV):

Earthquake Sensitive Automatic Gas Shutoff Valve (ESV):

  • DSA certification is currently for residential structures only.
  • DSA reviews the report provided by qualified testing laboratories and certifies the product meets the applicable standard.
  • DSA certification does not cover manual shutoff valves or equipment/appliances incorporating shutoff valves.
  • The installation of gas valves is under the jurisdiction of the local building departments. Contact your local building department for specific details regarding permitting, installation, and inspection requirements.
  • DSA certifies the ESV and EFV under the current standards which become effective six months following the publication of a new version of the plumbing code. On the effective date, manufacturing of the ESV or EFV must meet the current standard.
  • DSA publishes lists of certified automated gas shutoff valves, as well as a list of qualified testing laboratories for gas shutoff valves. 
  • Gas Shutoff Devices Comparison Table (PDF) This document reviews the three types of gas shutoff devices with a description of how they work and the benefits of each type. 

Manufacturers can apply to the DSA for two types of certification of automatic gas shutoff valves used in residential structures:

Certification of Excess Flow Auto Gas Shutoff Valves

Current Excess Flow Automatic Shutoff Valve (EFV) Standards

Effective January 1, 2020

2019 California Plumbing Code. California Referenced Standards for EFV certification for Natural Gas Service will required compliance with the 2017 edition of ASTM F2138-12 in order for the devices to be certified by DSA, and EFV for Natural and LP Gas with Pressure up to 5 psig will require compliance with ANSI Z21.93-2017/CSA 6.30-2017 in order for the devices to be certified by DSA.

Items Needed for Certification

A certification application is to be completed by the manufacturer of the automatic gas shutoff valve for each valve.

Certification of Earthquake-Actuated Gas Shutoff Valves

Earthquake Sensitive Automatic Shutoff Valve (ESV) Standards

Effective January 1, 2020

2019 California Plumbing Code. California Referenced Standards for ESV certification will require compliance with ANSI/ASCE/SEI 25-16 in order for the devices to be certified by DSA.

Items Needed for Certification

A certification application is to be completed by the manufacturer of the automatic gas shutoff valve for each valve.

Additional Information

Contact the Gas Shutoff Valve Program

Headquarters Office

Division of the State Architect

1102 Q Street, Suite 5100
Sacramento, CA 95811

(916) 445-8100