Start Construction Project by Submitting Plans for Review
Construction plans for public school construction and certain other state-funded building projects are reviewed to ensure that plans, specifications, and construction comply with California's codes (Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations). The majority of DSA's plan review and construction oversight focuses on new construction and alteration projects for California K–12 schools and community college districts. DSA’s plan review ensures the project’s compliance with code requirements related to structural safety; fire and life safety; accessibility; and, sustainability. Additional resources for project submittal are located on the Construction Project Submittal for Schools, Essential Services Facilities webpage.
DSA reviews construction projects under its jurisdiction for Title 24 compliance. The scope of DSA’s review depends on the client who owns the facility and the scope of the project.
Information on monitoring your submitted project is located on the Track Plan Review Process for School, Essential Services Construction Projects webpage.
What to Know Before Submitting a Project
Projects must be completely designed and coordinated before being submitted to DSA for review.
State law requires that an appropriately licensed architect or engineer prepare drawings and specifications for all school construction projects. This individual is called the “Design Professional in General Responsible Charge” (A/E of Record). They are responsible for coordinating all consultants, observing construction, interpreting the drawings and specifications, administering required testing and inspection processes, and preparing all change directives.
In most cases, only California Licensed architects or structural engineers may act as the A/E of Record of a school construction project. Licensed civil engineers, for example, are not permitted to act in this capacity. Licensed mechanical and electrical engineers may serve as the A/E of Record for projects that are primarily limited to mechanical or electrical alterations respectively.
You may request a meeting prior to submitting a project to DSA. A pre-application meeting is not intended to be a preliminary review. The intent is for DSA staff to provide answers and clarification to specific questions from applicants regarding DSA procedures, code interpretations, unique site or geological conditions, new or untested structural systems or materials, unique structural application project schedules, or other concerns. To allow DSA to properly prepare staff for the meeting and answer questions as accurately as possible, we require that you complete a request form for the respective office of the region the project is located:
- DSA 91: Pre-Application Meeting Request for DSA Oakland Regional Office (PDF)
- DSA 92: Pre-Application Meeting Request for DSA Sacramento Regional Office (PDF)
- DSA 93: Pre-Application Meeting Request for DSA Los Angeles Regional Office (PDF)
- DSA 94: Pre-Application Meeting Request for DSA San Diego Regional Office (PDF)
Project plan review will not be initiated without receipt of plan review fees. DSA applicants are to make fee payments to their assigned DSA Regional office no sooner than one week prior and no later than one day after the registered Project Submittal date. Fees may be mailed or hand delivered. DSA also accepts payments by credit card or electronic check online through a third-party software run by Fiserv at DSA Filing, Invoice & Re-Exam Fees. Proof of online payment must be submitted as directed in procedure PR 20-02: Online Payments for Plan Review Filing Fees, Plan/Field Review Fee Invoices, and Project Certification Re-Examination Fees.
Fees received more than one day after the registered Project Submittal date will result in the project being rejected as an incomplete submittal. This will require the project to be re-registered for a Revised Intended Submittal date six weeks after the revised registration is received.
All fee payments must be submitted with a paper form DSA 1: Application for Approval of Plans and Specifications and the form DSA 1-INC: Definition of Scope Increments, and lastly, the form DSA 1-L: Outdoor Water Use Self-Certification of Landscape Irrigation Design and Documentation if applicable. Include the assigned DSA application number on the DSA 1.
The Plan/Field Review Fee Calculator tool allows you to calculate DSA’s plan/field review fees for school and public building construction projects. The Full Fee Schedule with sample fee calculations is on the Construction Project Submittal Resources webpage.
How to Submit a Project
Applicants must register for project submittal by emailing the following forms to the appropriate DSA regional office, a minimum of six weeks and a maximum of eight weeks prior to the intended submittal date. No fee payments are required at this stage:
- DSA 1: Application for Approval of Plans and Specifications Instructions (PDF)
- DSA 1-REG: Registration for Project Submittal (PDF)
- DSA 1-INC: Definition of Scope of Increments (PDF), (if applicable)
Upon receipt of these forms, DSA will assign an application number for the project and open a DSAbox account in the event it is necessary to share additional documents or information.
Within one week after the initial registration, the applicant shall upload schematic/progress drawings into DSAbox.
A complete project must be submitted on the registered intended submittal date (see form DSA 3: Project Submittal Checklist). When the project is submitted to DSA on the registered submittal date, DSA will commence plan review within five working days. Please refer to PR 17-03: Project Submittal.
Appointment Process for detailed information. Additional information concerning Fire Alarm minimal submittal requirements is contained in GL 2: Fire Alarm and Detection Systems.
To manage periods of high workload, DSA may contract with private plan reviewers to expedite the plan review process.
Additional Information
Interpretation of Regulations
- IR A-17: Voidance of Applications and Project Re-Submittal
- IR A-18: Use of Construction Documents Prepared by Other Professionals
- IR A-19: Design Professional’s Signature and Seal (Stamp) on Construction Documents
- IR A-20: New Projects Associated With Existing Uncertified Projects
- GL 1: Project Submittal Guideline: Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems
- GL 2: Fire Alarm and Detection Systems
- GL 3: Structural Plan Review
- GL 4: CALGreen Code has been rescinded. Please refer to the DSA form 403-C: CALGreen Code Submittal Checklist
- PR 07-01: Pre-Check Approval
- PR 18-04.17: Electronic Plan Review for Design Professional of Record Using Bluebeam 2017 PR 18-04.18: Electronic Plan Review for Design Professional of Record Using Bluebeam 2018
- DSA 1-CP: Application Supplement - Collaborative Process (PDF)
- DSA 1-DEL: Delegation of Responsibility (PDF)
- DSA 1-L: Outdoor Water Use Self-Certification of Landscape Irrigation Design and Documentation (PDF)
- DSA 1-MR: Application for New Manufactured Permanent Modular or Relocatable Buildings (PDF)
- DSA 1-REH: Pre-Application for Approval of a Rehabilitation Project Evaluation and Design Criteria Report (PDF)
- DSA 1-RUH: Request for Finding of Unreasonable Hardship and Instructions (PDF)
Contact US
DSA Sacramento Regional Office
1102 Q Street, Suite 5200
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 445-8730
DSA Oakland Regional Office
1515 Clay Street, Suite 1201
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 622-3101
DSA Los Angeles Basin Regional Office
700 N. Alameda Street, Suite 5-500
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 897-3995
DSA San Diego Regional Office
10920 Via Frontera, Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92127
(858) 674-5400