Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) - 1301


Pursuant to Public Contract Code (PCC), Sections 12400-12404 departments are to purchase and use environmentally preferable products that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing goods that serve the same purpose, whenever applicable, perform well, and are cost effective.

Executive Order B-16-2012 directs departments to support and facilitate the rapid commercialization of zero-emission vehicles.

Executive Order B-18-12 directs departments to purchase and use environmentally preferable products and services, supporting the state’s Green Building Action Plan.


EPP is the procurement or acquisition of goods and services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing goods or services that serve the same purpose. Departments shall take into consideration, to the extent feasible raw materials acquisition, production, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, reuse, operation, maintenance, disposal, energy efficiency, product performance, durability, safety, the needs of the purchaser, and cost (PCC sections 12400-12404).

EPP Purchasing Requirements

In order to designate a purchase as EPP, the purchase must fulfill one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Acquired through a leveraged procurement agreement identified as an “EPP” commodity or contract
  2. Meet a DGS Purchasing Standard
  3. Be SABRC compliant
  4. Meet third-party environmental certification(s) (e.g., Energy Star ®, Green Seal®)
  5. Incorporate a take-back program
  6. Meet the requirements of an EPP purchases identified in an executive order or the State Administrative Management Memos and IT policies.

Pursuant to Executive Orders B-16-2012 and B-18-12, state departments must purchase:

  • Alternate fuel and zero emission vehicles
  • Energy Star® rated products
  • Recycled paint for exterior applications
  • Low or Zero VOC paint for building indoor applications
  • Remanufactured ink and toner cartridges
  • WaterSense® or equivalent industry standard labeled fixtures and equipment

To support the state’s efforts to improve energy efficiency, reduce petroleum dependency and lower carbon emissions, state departments must follow the State Administrative Management Memos and IT policies, such as:

  • Energy Efficiency in Data Centers and Server Rooms
  • Standard Operating Procedures For Energy Management In State Buildings
  • Indoor Environmental Quality: New, Renovated, And Existing Buildings

EPP Solicitation Requirement

When developing a solicitation with the intent of being an EPP purchase, buyers must:

  • Develop the technical specification to include EPP requirements and/or
  • Develop EPP administrative requirements within the solicitation

EPP Documentation

In order to document a product as EPP, Buyers are required to record the following elements by line item within FI$Cal:

  • DGS Purchasing Standard
  • Third-Party Environmental Certification(s)
  • SABRC Compliant Product (Y/N)
  • SABRC Category
  • Postconsumer Recycled Content (PCRC)
  • Total Recycled Content (TRC)
  • Take-Back Program (Y/N)

EPP Reporting 

Departments shall record EPP purchases within FI$Cal.

By recording EPP attributes within FI$Cal, as described in EPP Documentation, departments will be able to monitor their progress through FI$Cal reports.

Refer to EPP Reporting for further information.

EPP Best Practices 

DGS publishes a best practices manual – the Buying Green Guide – for buyers, online on the DGS Website at https://www.dgs.ca.gov/PD/Resources/Find-EPP-Goods-and-Services. The guide provides state buyers with a single source of up-to-date green contracts, DGS purchasing standards, bid specifications and buying tips. Departments should use the Buying Green Guide to assist procurement staff in making environmentally preferable purchases.


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