Modified state standard (STD.) forms – If your agency has a significant and compelling need for a modification of an STD. form for your agency only, you must request approval in writing from the Forms Management Center (FMC). This request must first be reviewed and approved by your agency department forms coordinator (DFC). Explain the need for the change and the benefits expected and attach a mock-up or draft of the modified form. If the FMC finds the request is reasonable, they will then ask the responsible agency if the modification can be accepted. If the request is granted, a copy of the FMC’s approval must be attached to any request for printing. No approval will be valid for more than one year unless specifically stated in the approval by the FMC. This is to ensure that you are not reprinting forms that have been revised.
STD. forms modified by an agency with approval of the FMC will carry the STD. number and the naming convention of the generating agency, such as ”STD. 15 (Rev. 6-95) DGS 210 (Rev.
Overprinted STD. forms – If your agency purchases STD. forms in their original paper form and wishes to overprint with agency information, you must request pre-approval from the FMC. Send the FMC a written request with a copy of the form as you wish it overprinted. The Office of State Publishing will not overprint STD. forms without approval from the FMC. Overprinted forms do not need special identification of the using agency if it is identified in the material overprinted.
Electronic STD. form – You must also request approval for your agency to use an electronic version of an STD. form that was not distributed by the FMC. The procedure is the same as the request for a modified STD. form. The form must carry the STD. number and the naming convention of the generating agency, such as ”STD. 15 (Rev. 6-95) DGS 210 (Rev. 1/2002).”
State government agencies may opt to have STD. forms developed in-house by state government union employees such as digital composers or may coordinate development with FMC. Whichever the case, STD. forms must adhere to the FMC’s forms design principles and practices. As a result, the FMC has final approval of the layout and design of STD. forms, including STD. eForms and integrated STD. eForms systems. The final management and dissemination of STD. forms must occur from FMC or from its centralized resource centers.
Compliance with these guidelines minimizes the chance of errors associated with bootlegged forms and maximizes state resources.