State agencies remitting unclaimed moneys to the Special Deposit Fund will prepare a Report to State Controller of Remittance to State Treasurer (remittance advice) form, CA 21, in triplicate, and a schedule of unclaimed trust deposits in duplicate. The schedule of unclaimed trust deposits must include the following:
- Name of original payee or depositor
- Amount
- Warrant or check number reference and date
- Remittance advice number
The total amount being remitted will be shown on both the remittance advice and the schedule of unclaimed trust deposits. The original schedule of unclaimed trust deposits will be sent to SCO. The duplicate will be retained as the agency copy. The original and duplicate of the remittance advice, together with a check made payable to the State Treasurer, will be sent to the State Treasurer’s Office (STO). The triplicate will be retained as the agency copy. After endorsement by STO, the SCO will send to the agency documentation that includes the controller’s receipt number. After verifying the information on the SCO receipt document, the agency will file this document with their copy of the schedule of unclaimed trust deposits and destroy the agency copy of the remittance advice.