(Revised: 08/2020)

The federal assistance programs listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance are subject to the Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990 (CMIA) regulations. In California, federal assistance programs that meet or exceed the established threshold of federal funding are considered CMIA major programs. The federal programs that fall below the threshold are considered non-major programs. The threshold of federal funding is determined annually using the Schedule of Expenditure of Federal Awards in the state's most recent Single Audit Report. Refer to 31 CFR 205.5 for additional information on federal funding threshold for CMIA major programs.


CMIA Major Program:


  • Major programs are subject to CMIA interest provisions under Subpart A of the Title 31 CFR Part 205 federal regulations.
  • Major programs must be included in the CMIA Treasury-State Agreement (TSA). For information on TSA, refer to SAM section 8012.
  • State agencies/departments administering the CMIA major program must submit CMIA quarterly reports to the Department of Finance, Fiscal Systems and Consulting Unit (FSCU).


CMIA Non-major Programs:


  • Non-major programs are subject to Subpart B of the Title 31 CFR Part 205 federal regulations.
  • Non-major programs, which are not included in the TSA, must minimize the time between the deposit of federal funds in the state’s account and the disbursement of funds for federal assistance program purposes.
  • Non-major programs are not subject to the CMIA interest provision unless specified in the TSA due to non-compliance.
  • State agencies/departments administering the CMIA non-major program do not need to submit CMIA quarterly reports to FSCU.

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