Departments will maintain adequate security of state monies in-transit to banks and assure that the delivery is made in the most economical way consistent with safety, department needs, and SAM requirements. The following are the different methods to be used for depositing state monies into the Demand Depository Accounts.
- By Employee. A department messenger or other assigned employee may deliver the deposit to the bank if: (1) the bank is not furnishing bank messenger service or (2) an armored car service either is not available or not economically justified and direct delivery of deposits does not subject department employees to the hazard of robbery or compromise their safety.
- Teller Counter. During regular banking hours a department employee may deliver the deposit to the merchants’ window of their selected CTS bank. Delivery of deposits to the bank by a department employee is normally a routine task for departments which regularly collect money. Employees may perform this service either routinely or occasionally in conjunction with other state duties while in the vicinity of the bank.
- Night Deposits. Night depository service (after banking hours) is furnished by most branches of those banks listed as approved depositories in SAM section 8031. This service will be used by departments not equipped with proper safes or vaults for safeguarding cash overnight and by departments in outlying areas where a night deposit can be made enroute by a department employee returning home at the end of the workday. See SAM section 8032.1 regarding when to deposit.
- Mail Deposits. Deposits may be made by certified or registered mail if the department or field representative is a considerable distance from the nearest banking facility of an approved depository and visits to such bank would not be made as often as required for depositing collections, provided coin and currency can be converted locally by the purchase of a cashier’s check or money order. The cost of cashier’s checks or money orders purchased for such deposits will not be deducted from the deposit but will be paid from revolving funds, cash purchase funds, or an employee’s own funds. In the latter instance the employee will claim reimbursement on his travel expense claim. Some banks do not charge for money orders or cashier’s checks that are purchased for state business. At the time of purchase, the department employee should make it known that the money order or cashier’s check is being purchased in the state’s behalf and provide such evidence as may be required for verification.
- Armored Car. If the safety of employees or robbery is imminent concerns, armored car service is also an option. Special arrangements may be made with armored car companies for armored car service during a particular collection period, or when special service is required.
- Bank Messenger. When bank messenger service is available in an area, departments may arrange for their deposits to be picked up and delivered to a selected branch of an approved depository bank. Deposits will be placed in sealed bags and will be receipted by the bank messenger at the time the deposit is picked up. This receipt will be kept by the department along with any other documentation verifying the deposit. (Note: bank messengers are restricted from picking up deposits that include coin or currency.)
- Remotely. Image Cash Letter and Remote Site Deposit are ways to deposit check images to depository banks electronically. Departments do not have to use resources to physically deliver items to the bank. It is available to all departments that meet the requirements for the Electronic Deposit Form and have the hardware to process information electronically as instructed in the User’s Manual (see SAM section 8033.4). Participating departments will continue to comply with all applicable SAM sections regarding depositing, reporting, and correcting of deposits made to the CTS. See SAM section 8034.5 for endorsement provisions and 8043.2 for Non- Conforming Images.
Departments may contact the STO for more information by e-mail at:
Additional information is also available at the following Centralized Treasury and Securities Management Division website:
In the event of a Fatal File Failure, which prevents the bank from processing deposits, the department must contact the STO, Financial Services Section by e- mail and call immediately after becoming aware of the failure: and call (916) 653-2917