(New: 12/2024)


The FI$Cal Deposit Slip Process replaced the State Treasurer’s Office’s (STO’s) Electronic Deposit Form web application for agencies/departments to access the online Report of Deposit (ROD) form.

Agencies/Departments shall print the ROD form with three identical copies identified as the Orig, Dup, and Trip. For more information on the fields within the ROD form and distribution, see SAM Section 8033.2.

The STO will access the deposit information in FI$Cal to reconcile against the bank transactions, reporting, and deposit history. Agencies/Departments shall comply with all applicable SAM sections regarding the preparing, depositing, reporting, and correcting of deposits made to the centralized State Treasury System. Agencies/Departments shall notify the STO of large deposits by 1:30 p.m. on the day the funds are deposited into the state’s demand accounts. For information regarding large deposits, see SAM Section 8032.5.

Agencies/Departments may contact the STO for more information by email at:



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