(Revised: 03/2005)

State agencies shall use the STO form, Report of Deposit, for the purposes of documenting CTS deposits made into approved depository banks. The preprinted deposit serial number and agency account number are not to be altered in any manner. All information on the STO copy (trip copy) of the agency Report of Deposit form should be legible and in agreement with the Report of Deposit form presented at the bank. In addition, no other document (adding machine tape, etc.) should be attached to the STO copy of the Report of Deposit when routed to the STO. For agencies participating in the Electronic Deposit Form web application, see SAM Section 8033.4.

Please refer to Illustration 8033.2 for a sample Report of Deposit form (STO XXX) and the following detailed instructions when completing your Report of Deposit forms:

Report of Deposit Form Preparation

  1. Agency Name.The agency name shall be pre-imprinted.
  2. Location Code. The location code (if used) may be pre-imprinted. The three-digit alpha/numeric code is selected by the agency. This field is not required by the STO.
  3. Account Number. The agency account number shall be pre-imprinted.This number must conform to the second, third, and fourth numbers of the ten-digit serial number. The agency account number is the three-digit number assigned to the account in the CTS. An agency may have more than one account.Each account will have a separate number.
  4. Currency Only Line. The total amount of currency only. Do not provide data pertaining to the currency denomination. Do not enter ANY item that is not currency.US currency ONLY.
  5. Coin Only Line. The total amount of coin only. Do not enter ANY item that is not coin. US coin ONLY.
  6. Adjustments, Wires, Miscellaneous Items.
    • Adjustments. Any adjustment required to correct an overage on a previous Report of Deposit form.(Refer to SAM Section 8033.3)
    • Electronic Wires. Total amount of wire(s) only. The Report of Deposit form total must correspond with a single bank credit. The date on the Report of Deposit form must correspond with the date of bank credit. Wire amounts are not to be combined together. Do not send the original and duplicate copies of the Report of Deposit form to the bank for validation of the wire deposit.
    • Miscellaneous.
  7. Item Count. The number of checks and other negotiable instruments included in the Report of Deposit form. Item count is obtained from the adding machine tape attached to the bank copy. Do not list check numbers or other data pertaining to checks.
  8. Check Amount. Total amount of checks and negotiable instruments only. Do not provide any other detail in this space.
  9. Total Report of Deposit Form. MUST equal the total of lines 4+5+8, or line 6. A negative balance will NOT be accepted. (Refer to SAM Section 8033.3 for procedure on adjustments.)
  10. For Agency Use. Exclusively for agency notes. This field is not required by the STO.
  11. Courier, Night, and Mail Deposits. Apart from the three exceptions indicated below, all Report of Deposit forms should have a bank validation. Validation may be by stamp, signature, or machine imprint.Refer to line 14.
    • Exceptions: (Check appropriate box)
      1. Courier: Remove STO copy (trip) and forward to the STO. Remove and retain agency copies (quad, quint). Armored carrier or bank messenger will provide the appropriate receipt for agency records (Example: for Bank of America, a Misc. 14). Enclose bank copies (orig., dup.) in the sealed deposit bag.
      2. Night Deposit: Remove STO copy (trip) and forward to the STO. Remove the last agency copy (quint) and retain. The bank will validate the agency copy (quad) and return it to the agency.
      3. Mail: Remove STO copy (trip) and forward to the STO. Remove the last agency copy (quint) and retain.
    • Mail deposits must be sent by certified or registered mail. The agency will retain mail receipt for Report of Deposit form verification.
    • Pre-sort and Misc-sort Deposits: Remove and retain the last two copies (quad and quint).Forward the trip copy directly to the STO.Send the first two copies to the bank with the deposit.
    • Pre-sort and Misc-sort agencies are:
      1. Board of Equalization
      2. Department of Motor Vehicles
      3. Employment Development Department
      4. Franchise Tax Board
      5. Public Employees’ Retirement System
      6. Public Utilities Commission (Bank of America only)
  12. Date Deposited. The bank transaction date ONLY will be placed in this field. Generally, the bank transaction date will be the same as the preparation date; however, please note the following exceptions:
    • Night Deposits: The date of deposit should reflect the next business day (excluding weekends or bank holidays).
    • Courier Deposits: The date of deposit should be the day the courier picks up the Report of Deposit forms; however, when preparing Report of Deposit forms, the agency must consider when the next courier pick-up is scheduled (e.g., courier may be scheduled to pick up deposits bi-weekly).
    • Teller Counter: When depositing after 3:00 p.m., date the Report of Deposit form the next business day
    • DO NOT put the Report of Deposit form preparation date in this field. The agency’s preparation date, if necessary, may be noted in the For Agency Use section. Refer to line 10.
    • It is vital that the correct deposit date be indicated on the STO and agency copies of the form, as the date on these particular copies is recorded at the STO and utilized in determining compensating balance adjustments to the STO approved depository banks.
  13. Signature.Signature of the individual who prepared the Report of Deposit form.
  14. Bank Use. For bank validation only. If there is no bank validation, one of the three exceptions noted in Section 11 should be checked.
  15. MICR Encoding Line. Bank and Report of Deposit form data are electronically coded in this area. IT MUST BE LEFT UNTOUCHED!
  16. Distribution:


Report of Deposit form distribution:




Orig, Dup and Quad


These three copies will go to the bank. If the bank requires only the orig, the agency may dispose of the dup and quad.



Send immediately to:

(For credit to agency CTS account)

State Treasurer’s Office IMMS#C-15

915 Capitol Mall

P.O. Box 942809

Sacramento, CA 94209-0001



The quint copy must be retained by the agency. In the event of a lost Report of Deposit form, it is documentation until the quad is returned.

(See Section 11 for exceptions to standard distribution.)



In order for the STO to accurately determine compensation for bank services, it is essential that all Report of Deposit form information be complete and correct.

Credit to CTS accounts cannot be recorded until Report of Deposit forms are processed into the CTS by the STO. Incorrect or incomplete Report of Deposit forms cannot be processed.

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