The OPSC is under the authority of the state of California’s Department of General Services. As staff to the State Allocation Board (SAB) the OPSC implements and administers a $54.5 billion school facilities construction program. Its responsibilities include the following:

  • Processing and funding school facility construction grant applications
  • Assisting school districts throughout the life cycle of a school facilities construction project
  • Auditing school facility construction project expenditures
  • Accounting and reconciliation functions
  • Providing administrative support for the SAB
  • Preparing regulations, policies and procedures in order to carry out the mandates of the SAB

The OPSC prepares agendas for the SAB meetings to keep record of all past and present SAB actions. Stakeholders use the agenda to track the progress of specific projects and/or availability of funds.


Mr. Joe Stephenshaw

Mr. Joe Stephenshaw

Director, Department of Finance

Designee: Michele Perrault

State Capitol, Room 1145

Sacramento, CA 95814


Ms. Ana Lasso

Ms. Ana Lasso

Director, Department of General Services

707 Third Street, 8th Floor

West Sacramento, CA 95605


Mr. Tony Thurmond

Mr. Tony Thurmond

State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Department of Education

Designee: Juan Mireles

1430 N. Street, Suite 1201

Sacramento, CA 95814


Mr. Jeremy Smith

Mr. Jeremy Smith, Governor's Appointee

Deputy Legislative Director

State Building & Construction Trades Council of California

1231 I Street, Suite 302

Sacramento, CA 95814


 Picture of Senator Perez

Senator Sasha Perez

State Capitol, Room 6720

Sacramento, CA 95814


Senator Choi 

Senator Steven Choi

State Capitol, Room 7130

Sacramento, CA 95814


Senator John Laird

Senator John Laird

State Capitol, Room 4040

Sacramento, CA 95814


Picture of Muratsuchi

Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi

1021 O Street, Room 5610

Sacramento, CA 95814


Picture of Davies

Assemblymember Laurie Davies

1021 O Street, Room 4720

Sacramento, CA 95814


Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva

1021 O Street, Room 4210

Sacramento, CA 95814


Rebecca Kirk, Executive Officer

Office of Public School Construction

Department of General Services

707 Third Street
Sacramento, CA 95605
Phone: 916.376.1771