List of OPSC Online Applications and Tools

Online applications and tools

OPSC Online Application


OPSC Online allows school districts and applicants to electronically submit requests for funding, and associated project documentation, for all School Facility Program projects. The online platform allows applicants to draft, review, and submit required forms at any time. Our newest release of OPSC Online was released in early July 2020 which added new capabilities that included the New Construction, Modernization, Facility Hardship, Seismic Mitigation Program, and the Charter School Facilities Programs. The result is a completely paperless process! We encourage all applicants to submit applications electronically through OPSC Online instead of submitting a paper-based application.


*OPSC Online is optimized for Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome web browsers.


OPSC Data Dashboard


OPSC has created a "Data Dashboard" to facilitate the identification of the distribution of SFP funding. The six dashboards display the allocation of funding (updated monthly) by the proposition, SFP program, county, school district, school site, and/or legislative district based on user-defined filters.



Project Tracking Number (PTN) Search Tool and PTN Generator*


*Beginning April 18, 2024, the creation of new Project Tracking Numbers (PTN) is accomplished in OPSC Online. The former PTN Search Tool is also available in OPSC Online under Project Reporting.

For assistance with access to OPSC Online please contact OPSC’s Project Tracking Administration Team at or your OPSC Project Manager.


California Open Data Portal



School Facility Grant Program Calculator


OPSC has upgraded the Grant Calculator. The new Grant Calculator can be found in the OPSC Online Application link above.


Project Information Worksheet (PIW)


*Beginning ~June 1, 2024, OPSC anticipates that all PIWs will be required to be submitted via OPSC Online. For assistance please contact your OPSC Project Manager.


SAB 50-01 Enrollment Projection Calculator



Calendar Year Birth and Fertility Rate Projections: 1990 - 2040