Access California Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten and Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program Funding
The Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program has been expanded to include California Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten and Full-Day Kindergarten. School districts that lack the facilities to provide preschool, transitional kindergarten, and/or full-day kindergarten instruction can locate funding opportunities under this service.
About this Service
School districts can apply for this service to construct new classrooms or retrofit existing school facilities for the purpose of providing transitional kindergarten or full-day kindergarten instruction. Additionally, both school districts and county offices of education can apply for this service to construct new classrooms or retrofit existing school facilities for the purpose of providing California preschool instruction.
The Program was established by Assembly Bill 1808, the Education Finance: Education Omnibus Trailer Bill, and was approved by the Governor and chaptered June 27, 2018. The General Fund appropriated $100,000,000 in one-time grants for the construction of new classrooms or the retrofit of existing facilities for the purpose of providing full-day kindergarten instruction. These funds were apportioned for applications received during the First Filing Round, January 2, 2019 – January 31, 2019, and the Second Filing Round, May 1, 2019 – May 30, 2019.
The Program was expanded by Assembly Bill 130, the Education Finance: Education Omnibus Trailer Bill, and was approved by the Governor and chaptered July 9, 2021. The expanded program includes the addition of California Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten funding eligibility. The General Fund appropriated $490,000,000 in one-time grants for the construction of new classrooms or the retrofit of existing facilities for the purpose of providing California preschool, transitional kindergarten or full-day kindergarten instruction.
Following a series of stakeholder meetings to discuss and solicit feedback in the preparation of program regulations. OPSC presented, and the State Allocation Board (SAB) approved, the proposed regulatory amendments, revised forms and updated Grant Agreement at its January 26, 2022 SAB meeting.
The Program is amended under Assembly Bill 181, effective June 30, 2022, and allocated an additional $100 million to the Program. Subject to Legislature appropriation, an additional $550 million is intended to be allocated to the Program in the 2024/25 fiscal year.
As part of the approval, two funding rounds for the new program were announced as follows:
April 1, 2022 – April 30, 2022
February 1, 2023 – March 2, 2023
Full details from the SAB approved item are available in the January 26, 2022 SAB meeting agenda found under the meetings tab.
Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Program
Pursuant to Program statute, school districts may apply for funding to construct new classrooms or retrofit existing school facilities for the purposes of providing transitional kindergarten and full-day kindergarten instruction. County offices of education, charter schools, joint powers of authority, and the State Department of Education, may not apply for Transitional Kindergarten or Full-Day Kindergarten grants. Projects submitted by school districts are eligible for funding if they meet the following requirements:
- School districts that have or will have school board approval to provide transitional and/or full-day kindergarten.
- School districts that lack the facilities to appropriately provide transitional and/or full-day kindergarten.
Per Education Code Section 17375(b)(1), grants will only be awarded to school districts that lack the facilities to provide transitional kindergarten or full-day kindergarten or lack the facilities that satisfy the design requirements required for new kindergarten classrooms as specified by California Code of Regulations Section 14030(h)(2). For the purposes of determining classroom capacity, each classroom will be loaded pursuant to State loading standards for (K-6) classrooms at 25 pupils. If the school site in the application has kindergarten classrooms that currently house more than 25 pupils in a kindergarten classroom (for example, AM and PM kindergarten classes in the same classroom), then they may be eligible for the Program funding to create two full-day classrooms.
Per Program Regulation Section 1860.8, prior to the School District requesting Program funds for facilities, the School District must hold title to the real property where the facilities will be located.
For more detailed information on program eligibility refer to Program Regulation Sections 1860.5 and 1860.5.1.
School districts, County offices of education, and Community Colleges may apply for funding to construct new classrooms or retrofit existing school facilities for the purposes of providing California preschool instruction. Charter schools, joint powers of authority, and the State Department of Education, may not apply for California Preschool grants.
Projects submitted by school districts are eligible for funding if they meet the following requirements:
- School districts that have school board approval to provide or expand preschool instruction and must certify that the school district has or will apply for a contract to operate a preschool program before occupying the to-be-constructed or retrofitted facility.
- School districts that lack the facilities to appropriately provide California preschool instruction.
For the purposes of determining classroom capacity, each classroom will be loaded at 25 pupils. If the school site in the application has preschool classrooms that currently house more than 25 pupils in a classroom, then they may be eligible for the Program funding.
Per Program Regulation Section 1860.8, prior to the School District requesting Program funds for facilities, the School District must hold title to the real property where the facilities will be located. Community College projects must be placed on the Community College campus.
For more detailed information on program eligibility refer to Program Regulation Section 1860.5.2.
Type of Funding Available
- New Construction
- Projects may consist of the construction of a new facility or the acquisition and conversion of an existing building for public school use. Projects must be on or adjacent to an existing school site.
- New Construction with Advance
- Projects may apply for an advance of funds if they do not have all required documents at the time of the submittal of Application for Funding (Form SAB 70-01)
- Retrofit
- A construction project to retrofit an existing school facility to adequately house full-day kindergarten pupils.
- Retrofit with Advance
- Projects may apply for an advance of funds if they do not have all required documents at the time of the submittal of Application for Funding (Form SAB 70-01)
- The base grant may be increased by the following additional grants supported by the project:
New Construction | Retrofit |
Site Acquisition |
Automatic fire detection/alarm system |
Hazardous waste removal |
Site Development |
Automatic fire detection/alarm system. |
50-year old utilities |
Automatic sprinkler system |
Project Assistance |
Site Development |
Multilevel classroom construction |
Project assistance |
Application Submittal
- All school districts applying for Program funding must include the following documents:
- Narrative of the proposed project, which should include:
- Identify usage of all facilities on the project site
- Explain the District’s proposed scope of work in the project plans
- Explain the District’s planned classroom usage at the completion of the project
- Identify the enrollment year when Full -Day Kindergarten instruction was first offered at the project site
- Current enrollment and three immediate subsequent years at the site,
- CalPads Reports
- Site map
- Identify and label all current classrooms and the grade level being housed
- Identify and label existing kindergarten compliant classrooms
- Identify any classrooms that will not provide full-day instruction at the completion of the project (If applying for retrofit funding, identify which facilities the district plans to retrofit)
- Preschool Projects should include:
- The most recent childcare needs assessment conducted by its regional local planning council for preschool age children.
- A future or current contract with the Department of Education
Funding Timelines
- New Construction or Retrofit Grants
- If the district submitted a request for a new construction or retrofit grant without advance funding, it must then submit a valid Fund Release Authorization (Form SAB 70-02) with all required approvals within 18 months of first apportionment.
- New Construction or Retrofit Grants With Advance Funding
- If the district submitted a request for a new construction or retrofit grant with advance funding, it must then submit a valid Fund Release Authorization (Form SAB 70-02) with all required approvals within 18 months of first apportionment.
For a list for all approvals required for each grant type, refer to the “Special Instructions” section of the Application for Funding (Form SAB 70-01).
The district may submit in writing other evidence satisfactory to the Board of evidence showing substantial progress and/or circumstances beyond the control of the district that precludes the district from submitting a valid Fund Release Authorization (Form SAB 70-02) with all required approvals within 18 months of the first apportionment.
All districts whether requesting additional time for submittal of the Form SAB 70-02 or not, have up to three years from the date of first apportionment to complete the project and submit an Expenditure Report (Form SAB 70-03).
A school district that has received funds in accordance with the program must submit a valid Expenditure Report (Form SAB 70-03) at the completion of the project. A project is considered complete when either of the following occurs: 1) When the notice of completion has been filed; all outstanding invoices, claims, and change orders have been satisfied and the facility is currently in use by the school district, or 2) Three years from the date of the first apportionment. If applicable, a final savings report shall be due one year after the first expenditure report. OPSC will use the information provided on and with the 70-03 to ensure that expenditures made by the school districts for Program projects comply with program statute and other applicable State requirements pertaining to construction.
Resources and information guides
- SFP Regulations
- Projects Receiving Apportionments at the October 26, 2022 SAB Meeting
- Projects Receiving Apportionments at the September 21, 2022 SAB Meeting
- Annual Adjustment to the School Facility Program Grants
- FDK Overview PPT (Updated Versions Coming Soon)
- January 26, 2022 State Allocation Board Agenda Item - Program Updates
- OAL/FDK Approved Regulations
- FDK 2018/2019 Year-End Report to the Department of Finance
- FDK Workshop Webcast - February 25, 2020
- 2019/2020 Fiscal Year-End Report for the Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program
- January 18, 2023 Webinar PowerPoint Presentation
- Form SAB 70-01, Application for Funding
- Form SAB 70-02, Fund Release Authorization
- Form SAB 70-03, Expenditure Report
- Detailed Listing of Project Expenditures (DLOPE)
Department of General Services
West Sacramento, CA 95605
Phone: 916-376-1771
For Email Application Submittals, please submit to the following email addresses: