State Historical Building Safety Board
The State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) is to provide regulations and standards for the rehabilitation, preservation, restoration (including related reconstruction) or relocation as applicable to all historical buildings, structures and properties deemed of importance to the history, architecture, or culture of an area by an appropriate local or state governmental jurisdiction.
State Historical Building Safety Board Information Manual (PDF)
The State Historical Building Code (SHBC) was created by legislation in 1975 giving authority to the State Historical Building Safety Board to write regulations, and have consultation, review and appellate functions for code and regulation issues relating to qualified historic buildings, structures and properties.
A major feature of the State Historical Building Code is that it is a state law, a statute within the Health and Safety Code and the creation of regulations is separated by Health and Safety Code Section 18944.7 from the California Building Standards code adoption process.
The written regulations, the California Historical Building Code (CHBC), are entitled “code” as well, but are in reality regulation adopted pursuant to Building Standards law. The CHBC is Part 8 of Title 24 of California’s Code of Regulations. Another important feature of the CHBC is that it is not a “stand alone” code. It relies on a “regular adopted code” such as the latest adopted California Building Code to be the standard from which alternatives are derived.
An often-overlooked part of this legislated code is that the nature and extent of its reach and authority can extend into arenas where other statutes affect historic buildings or structures (Health and Safety Code Section 18956). While non-building regulations are not addressed in the CHBC, the SHBC (Health and Safety Code Sections 18958 and 18959.5) gives authority for expansion or limitation of the reach and authority through adoption of regulations by the State Historical Building Safety Board. Other state agencies may adopt rules and regulations governing the rehabilitation, preservation, restoration, related reconstruction, safety, or relocation of qualified historical buildings, structures and properties within their jurisdictions (Health and Safety Code, Section 18954).
To facilitate standardization of application of the code, the State Historical Building Safety Board is given authority for appeals and review functions. The code is for the most part a set of performance criteria based on reference to regular code. The authority for determination of the performance of a particular alternative “as reasonably equivalent” to that of the regular code is the decision of the State Historical Building Safety Board through the consultation, review and appeal process.
State Historical Building Safety Board Meeting – March 5, 2025
The State Historical Building Safety Board’s Code Development and Appeals Advisory Committee (CDAAC) will hold a public workshop to receive 2025 Intervening Code Cycle proposals related to Title 24, Part 8 - California Historical Building Code.
Proposers unable to attend the workshop may submit proposals to using DSA Form 665. All proposals will be considered by SHBSB whether emailed or heard during the workshop.
The workshop will be held online using the Zoom platform and is also available by telephone. Physical attendance will be available at the address below.
Date: March 5, 2025, from 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Location: 1102 Q Street, Suite 5100, Sacramento, CA 95811
Join via Zoom:
Join via audio:
USA 215 446 3656 US Toll
USA 888 363 4734 US Toll-free
Conference code: 684348
State Historical Building Safety Board Meeting – February 5, 2025
Notice is hereby given that the California State Historical Building Safety Board will hear, discuss, deliberate and/or take action on the agenda as identified in the items below.
This meeting can be attended by the public in person or online via Zoom.
Written comments will be provided to the board members if the comments are received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 31, 2025. Receipt of written comments after this date may not allow sufficient time to be reviewed by the board prior to the meeting. Submit written comments to State Historical Building Safety Board at
State Historical Building Safety Board Meeting – December 10, 2024
SHBSB Meeting Agenda – 12/10/24 (PDF)
Notice is hereby given that the California State Historical Building Safety Board Code Development & Appeals Advisory Committee (CDAAC) will hear, discuss, deliberate and/or take action on the agenda as identified in the items below.
This meeting can be attended by the public in person or online via Zoom.
Written comments will be provided to the CDAAC members if the comments are received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2024.
Receipt of written comments after this date may not allow sufficient time to be reviewed by the committee prior to the meeting. Submit written comments to the CDAAC at
Appointed Members
Division of the State Architect
- Member: Ida A. Clair, FAIA, LEED AP, CASp; State Architect
- Alternate: Kurt Cooknick, Assoc. AIA; Deputy to the State Architect
Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board
- Member: Millicent Barajas
- Alternate: Amalia Neidhardt
Office of the State Fire Marshal
- Member: Brad Goodrich, Deputy State Fire Marshal, Supervisor
- Alternate: Crystal Sujeski, Deputy State Fire Marshal III, Specialist
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
- Member: Mia Marvelli, HFR
- Alternate: Richard Tannahill, Deputy Division Chief
State Historical Resources Commission
- Member: Alan Hess
- Alternate: Vacant
Department of Housing and Community Development
- Member: Kyle Krause, CBO, Assistant Deputy Director, Division of Codes and Standards
- Alternate: Mitchel Baker, CSA III, Operations Manager, Division of Codes and Standards
Department of Parks and Recreation
- Member: Mark Huck
- Alternate: Vacant
Department of Rehabilitation
- Member: Ken Ng
- Alternate: Monica Handley
Department of Transportation
- Member: Jill Hupp, Built Env. Preservation Services Branch Chief, Caltrans Division of Environmental Analysis
- Alternate: Jeff Carr
American Institute of Architects / California Council
- Member: Steve Winkle
- Alternate: Peter Birkholz
California Chapter, American Planning Association
- Member: Joe Hall, AICP
- Alternate: Vacant
Seismic Safety Commission
- Member: Irina Brauzman
- Alternate: Jia Wang-Connelly
California Building Contractors
- Member: Roy Harthorn, CBO
- Alternate: Vacant
California Building Officials
- Member: Vacant
- Alternate: Vacant
League of California Cities
- Member: Eric Nelson
- Alternate: Jeff Wood
California State Association of Counties
- Member: Vacant
- Alternate: Vacant
California Council, American Society of Landscape Architects
- Member: Vacant
- Alternate: Vacant
Structural Engineers Association of California
- Member: Loring Wyllie, Jr., S.E., Degenkolb Engineers
- Alternate: David W. Cocke, S.E., Structural Focus
California Preservation Foundation
- Member: Alan Dreyfuss, AIA, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
- Alternate: Vacant
American Council of Engineering Companies
- Mechanical Engineer Member: Don Moeller, P.E., The Fire Consultants
- Mechanical Engineer Alternate: Vacant
- Electrical Engineer Member: Vacant
- Electrical Engineer Alternate: Vacant
Building Owners and Managers Association California
- Member: Glenn Good
- Alternate: Matthew Hargrove
SHBSB Staff Counsel
- Katelyn Baeta-Orick, Department of General Services, Office of Legal Services
- Chian He, Department of General Services, Office of Legal Services
SHBSB Executive Director
- Eric Driever, Division of the State Architect
1102 'Q' Street, Suite 5100, Sacramento, CA 95811-6550
(916) 443-9829
The duties and responsibilities of the State Historical Building Safety Board are described in Health and Safety Code, Division 13, Part 2.7, Sections 18950 to 18961. A summary of the board's functions and responsibilities include (but are not limited) to the following:
- shall adopt rules and regulations pursuant to the State Historical Building Code (Health and Safety Code, S. 18950-61).
- shall adopt and submit alternative building standards for approval by the Building Standards Commission.
- may adopt, amend, and repeal other alternative rules and regulations under Part 2.7 which the board has recommended for adoption under subdivision (b) of Health and Safety Code, S. 18960.
- shall coordinate and consult with other applicable state agencies affected by this part (Health and Safety Code, Div. 13, Part 2.7) except as provided in Health and Safety Code, S. 18943.
- any change or modification (per Health and Safety Code, S. 18944.7) shall be filed and will not be effective until filed with the State Historical Building Safety Board.
- is established as a unit within the Division of the State Architect.
- shall act as consultant to the State Architect.
- shall act as a review body to state and local agencies with respect to interpretations, administration and enforcement.
- shall accept appeals from any party if the issue is of statewide importance.
- shall report decisions in printed form.
- shall report decisions to the Building Standards Commission.
- may accept requests for interpretation by local agencies.
- shall report interpretations to the Building Standards Commission.
- may charge a reasonable fee not to exceed costs for services.
- shall receive for review, prior to taking any action or making decisions on variances or appeals which affect historical buildings, from all state agencies which enforce and administer approvals, variances, or appeals procedures or decisions affecting the preservation or safety of the historical aspects of historical buildings.
- shall be composed of qualified experts in their respective fields who shall represent various state and local public agencies, professional design societies and building and preservation oriented organizations. Each of the following shall have one member who shall serve without pay, but receive expenses while serving.
- Office of the State Architect.
- The State Fire Marshal.
- The State Historical Resources Commission.
- The California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board.
- California Council, American Institute of Architects.
- Structural Engineers Association of California.
- A mechanical engineer, Consulting Engineers Association of California.
- An electrical engineer, Consulting Engineers Association of California.
- California Council of Landscape Architects.
- The Department of Housing and Community Development.
- The Department of Parks and Recreation.
- County Supervisors Association of California.
- League of California Cities.
- The Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development.
- The Department of Rehabilitation.
- The California Chapter of the American Institute of City Planners.
- The Department of Transportation.
- The California Preservation Foundation.
- The Seismic Safety Commission.
- The California Building Officials.
- BOMA California
The 20 members listed above shall select a building contractor as a member of the board.
SHBSB Meeting Dates and Activities for 2024
The board meets in concert with the California Preservation Foundation annual meeting and holds additional meetings as needed.
The minutes of the SHBSB are posted in pdf format for viewing and printing. Current board minutes have not been approved by the board. Committee meeting minutes are not official and may be edited before posting. Past minutes have been approved by the board. Archives include minutes of 2000 and earlier, as made available by staff. Check the table of contents for additions of earlier minutes.
September 4, 2024 - Cancelled
SHBSB Meeting Agenda – 09/4/24 (PDF)
June 19, 2024
The State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) will conduct a public meeting Wednesday, June 19, 2024, beginning at 1:00pm. The public is invited to attend and provide public comment in person or use the virtual meeting or teleconference options listed below. Closed captioning is available via Zoom’s automated live transcriptions.
Written comments will be provided to the board members if the comments are received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 14, 2024. Receipt of written comments after this date may not allow sufficient time to be reviewed by the board prior to the meeting. Submit written comments to the State Historical Building Safety Board at
SHBSB Meeting Agenda – 06/19/24 (PDF)
Notice is hereby given that the State Historical Building Safety Board, CDAAC will hear, discuss and deliberate on the agenda item(s) below. The advisory committee members will join either in person or remotely via Zoom. The public is invited to attend and provide public comment in person or use the virtual meeting or teleconference options listed below. Closed captioning is available via Zoom’s automated live transcriptions.
Written comments will be provided to the committee members if the comments are received by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 13, 2024. Receipt of written comments after this date may not allow sufficient time to be reviewed by the committee prior to the CDAAC meeting. Submit written comments to
SHBSB Meeting Agenda – 05/15/24 (PDF)
April 3, 2024
The State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) will conduct a public meeting on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, beginning at 10:00am. This meeting will be held in person at 400 R Street, Suite 312, Sacramento, CA 95811 and also online via Zoom (See agenda below for instructions to join via Zoom).
Written comments will be provided to the board members if the comments are received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 29, 2024. Receipt of written comments after this date may not allow sufficient time to be reviewed by the board prior to the meeting. Submit written comments to State Historical Building Safety Board at
California State Historical Building Safety Board will hear, discuss, deliberate and/or take action on the agenda below: The board will take action on items listed for discussion/action.
SHBSB Meeting Agenda – 04/03/24 (PDF)
January 17, 2024
The State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) will conduct a public meeting on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, beginning at 10:30am. This meeting will be held in person at 400 R Street, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95811 and also online via Zoom (see instructions below).
Written comments will be provided to the board members if the comments are received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 12, 2024. Receipt of written comments after this date may not allow sufficient time to be reviewed by the board prior to the meeting. Submit written comments to State Historical Building Safety Board at
California State Historical Building Safety Board will hear, discuss, deliberate and/or take action on the agenda below:
The board will not take action on items listed for discussion.
SHBSB Meeting Agenda – 01/17/24 (PDF)
SHBSB Meeting Minutes – 01/17/24 (PDF)
SHBSB Meeting Dates and Activities for 2021
November 9, 2021
The State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) will conduct a public meeting on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Due to the effects of COVID-19, this meeting will be available via Microsoft Teams only.
The SHBSB will hear and take action on proposed rulemaking for the California Historical Building Code. Supporting documents for this meeting are provided below.
- SHBSB Meeting Agenda – 11/09/21 (PDF - 164 KB)
- Rulemaking documents are available on the Building Standards Commission’s 45-Day Public Comment Period webpage.
May 10, 2021
The State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) will conduct a public meeting on Monday, May 10, 2021, beginning at 1:00 p.m. Due to the effects of COVID-19, this meeting will be available via Zoom Meeting and teleconference only. The SHBSB will review proposed communication to the California Building Standards Commission and hear an appeal concerning The Park Victorian (Bay View Hotel, Palms Hotel), 509 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101. Supporting documents for this meeting are provided below.
- SHBSB Meeting Agenda: 05/10/21 (PDF - 123 KB)
- Memo on Appeal (PDF - 673 KB)
- Draft Letter to CBSC (PDF - 89 KB)
SHBSB Meeting Dates and Activities for 2020
May 1, 2020
The State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) will conduct a public meeting on Friday, May 1, 2020, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Due to the effects of COVID-19, this meeting will be available via teleconference only. The SHBSB will hear a request concerning The Park Victorian (Bay View Hotel, Palms Hotel), 509 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101. Supporting documents for this meeting are provided below.
SHBSB Meeting Agenda: 05/01/20 (PDF - 65 KB) | (RTF - 1.4 MB)
SHBSB Meeting Dates and Activities for 2019
March 12, 2019
The State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) will conduct a public meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Division of the State Architect, Headquarters Office located at 1102 Q Street, Suite 5100, Sacramento, CA 95811 in Conference Room B. This meeting will be available via teleconference and video conference from all DSA regional offices.The SHBSB will hear an appeal concerning The Park Victorian (Bay View Hotel, Palms Hotel), 509 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101. Supporting documents for this meeting are provided below.
SHBSB Meeting Agenda: 03/12/19 (PDF - 176 KB) | (RTF - 2.6 MB)
March 15, 2019
The State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) will conduct a public meeting on Friday, March 15, 2019, beginning at 1:00 p.m. at the Division of the State Architect, Headquarters Office located at 1102 Q Street, Suite 5100, Sacramento, CA 95811 in Conference Room B. This meeting will be available via teleconference and video conference from all DSA regional offices. The SHBSB will hear an appeal concerning Greek Theatre Box Office at UC Berkeley, 2001 Gayley Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720. Supporting documents for this meeting are provided below.
SHBSB Meeting Agenda: 03/15/19 (PDF - 172 KB) | (RTF - 2.6 MB)
SHBSB Meeting Dates and Activities for 2007
- June 19, 2007: SHBSB Structural Committee Minutes (PDF - 19 KB)
- April 17, 2007: SHBSB Structural Committee Minutes (PDF - 18 KB)
SHBSB Meeting Dates and Activities for 2006
December 19, 2006
The State Historical Building Safety Board is providing notice of the changes for incorporation into California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 8, which were the subject of written comment periods and a public hearing held on December 7, 2006. These changes are in response to comments received during the initial 45-day public comment period that began on June 2, 2006 and ended on July 21, 2006 and a 15-day comment period from December 19, 2006 to January 2, 2007.
- 12/19/06 SHBSB Notice of Post Hearing Modifications to Text of Proposed Building Standards (PDF - 17 KB)
- 12/19/06 15 Day Comment Period Modifications (PDF - 52 KB)
December 7, 2006
A public meeting of the State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) will be held on Thursday, December 7, 2006, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Division of the State Architect located at 1102 Q Street, Third Floor Conference Rooms A/B, Sacramento, California, 95811. A meeting notice and agenda of the meeting is available for download.
SHBSB Meeting Dates and Activities for 2005
November 29, 2005
The State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) is considering the adoption of revised language for Chapter 10, and for a new Appendix Chapter for the 2006 California Historical Building Code. These proposals will be available for public comment until December 15th, 2005, on this website or by contacting: Thomas A. Winter, Senior Architect, Executive Director, State Historical Building Safety Board, Division of the State Architect, 1102 Q Street, Suite 5100, Sacramento, California, 95811; 916.445.7627 phone, 916. 445.7558 fax.
October 13, 2005
The State Historic Building Safety Board (SHBSB) will hold a meeting regarding amendments to the California Historical Building Code from 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, October 13, 2005. The meeting will be held at the Division of the State Architect, Conference Room B, Suite 5100, 1102 Q Street, Sacramento, California. An agenda and meeting notice is available for download in PDF format.
- 10/13/05 SHBSB Agenda and Meeting Notice (PDF - 33 KB)
- Board Approved Express Terms and Initial Statements of Reasons will be posted when revised (10/17/05).
June 16, 2005
The State Historic Building Safety Board (SHBSB) will hold a regular meeting from 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 16, 2005. The meeting will be held at the Division of the State Architect, Conference Room B, Suite 5100, 1102 Q Street, Sacramento, California. An agenda and meeting notice and the draft document "Scope Development for Amendments to the California Historical Building Code" are available for download in PDF format.
- 06/16/05 SHBSB Agenda and Meeting Notice (PDF - 32 KB)
- Scope Development for Amendments to the California Historical Building Code - Draft 06-16-05 (PDF - 268 KB)
- June 16, 2005 SHBSB Minutes (PDF - 50 KB)
SHBSB Meeting Dates and Activities for 2004
April 28, 2004
The State Historic Building Safety Board (SHBSB) will hold a regular meeting from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, and workshop, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., on Wednesday, April 28, 2004. The meeting will be held at the Golden Gate Club, 135 Fisher Loop, the Hawthorn Room, at the Presidio of San Francisco, Golden Gate National Recreational Area, San Francisco, California. An agenda (PDF - 29 KB) and a map (PDF - 66 KB) to the meeting location are available for download in PDF format.
SHBSB Meeting Dates and Activities for 2003
SHBSB Meeting Dates and Activities for 2002
- November 21, 2002: SHBSB Strategic Plan Committee Minutes (PDF - 42 KB)
- September 19, 2002: SHBSB Minutes (PDF - 31 KB)
- September 19, 2002: SHBSB Code Update Committee Minutes (PDF - 18 KB)
- May 2, 2002: SHBSB Minutes (PDF - 36 KB)
- March 18, 2002: SHBSB Standing Committees Minutes (PDF - 22 KB)
SHBSB Meeting Dates and Activities for 2001
- December 6, 2001: SHBSB Standing Committees Minutes (PDF - 33 KB)
- September 25, 2001: SHBSB Minutes (PDF - 37 KB)
- May 17, 2001: SHBSB Minutes (PDF - 45 KB)
- February 14, 2001: SHBSB Minutes (PDF - 25 KB)
- February 13, 2001: SHBSB Minutes (PDF - 27 KB)
- February 13, 2001: SHBSB Meeting (Max Factor Building) Minutes (PDF - 48 KB)
Archives of Board Meeting Minutes (2000 and earlier)
- December 2000 SHBSB Minutes (PDF - 24 KB)
- October 1999 SHBSB Minutes (PDF - 30 KB)
- January 1999 SHBSB Minutes (PDF - 26 KB)
2021 Triennial Code Adoption Cycle
The State Historical Building Safety Board (SHBSB) has submitted code changes to the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC). Information about the 2021 Triennial Code Adoption Cycle is available on the CBSC website by selecting the desired phase of the code adoption cycle.
SHBSB accepts code change suggestions on an ongoing basis. If you would like to suggest a code change amendment for DSA’s consideration, you may complete form DSA 665: DSA Code Amendment Proposal and submit it via email attachment to
Building Standards Commission Review – January 18-20, 2022
SHBSB has submitted proposed code changes to the CBSC for review and approval. These items will be reviewed and discussed at the January 18-20, 2022 CBSC meeting. The public has the opportunity to provide written comments in advance of the commission meeting and/or oral comments at the commission meeting.
CBSC has issued a meeting notice and agenda announcing the date, time and location of the public meeting. For the meeting agenda and meeting documents, please see the California Building Standards Commission’s webpage: January 2022 Commission Meeting.
45-Day Comment Period – September 27, 2021 through November 8, 2021
SHBSB has submitted code changes to the CBSC for 45-day public comment period. Written comments will be accepted by the CBSC from September 27, 2021, until midnight on November 8, 2021.
For more information, including submittal documents, please see the CBSC's 45-Day Public Comment Period webpage.
The public will have an opportunity to provide written and/or oral comments regarding this action on building standards at a public meeting to be conducted by the CBSC to be scheduled at a date near the end of the current adoption cycle. A meeting notice will be issued announcing the date, time and location of the public meeting.
The Office of Historic Preservation
Computer lists of the National Register and California Register.
Local Planning Office
The planning department is most usually the best place to find local lists.
Local Heritage or History Commissions
These governmental organizations can create and have a list. Local neighborhood or preservation organizations: these groups may have access to official lists, but can't create official lists.
Local Neighborhood or Preservation Organizations
These groups may have access to official lists, but can't create official lists.
Local, State and Federal Agencies that Promulgate Projects
Many agencies that create, fund and accomplish capital projects are subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. One of the processes of the California Environmental Quality Act is to identify and declare eligibility for all historical properties that could be affected by the project. Properties identified in those projects and declared eligible are “qualified.” Those lists are usually not distributed widely. Contact any agency that may have had a project in your vicinity. The environmental divisions of Caltrans, Department of Water Resources, Department of General Services/Real Estate Services Division, local water agencies, and local public works departments are places to query.
Other Options
Petition your local jurisdiction for an individual designation, create a NR nomination and apply to the Office of Historic Preservation, or petition the Office of Historic Preservation for a finding of eligibility.
Department of General Services
Division of the State Architect
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 445-7627